Interesting events in Canada recently!


Tornadoes and funnel clouds in Alberta and Ontario.

Massive forest fires in Quebec and BC.

Warmer than normal temps up north.

An oddly mild winter that has left the water levels in the St-Lawrence river terribly low, is causing water shortages in Quebec.

Terrible rain in Ontario and Quebec, nearly every day.

An earthquake, surprise! In Ontario-Quebec.

Terrible flooding in the west. Three provinces. Parts of Trans-Canada highway shut down. Crops ruined.

Odd temperatures, fluctuating wildly.

WTF?? Time to leave? LOL

There is a BP cover-up…

Something about this does not sit well with me. There is little reporting in the media about the oil leaking. The media isn’t covering it as in-depth as they do with other disasters. There is something off here, and it is largely being ignored. I read this today:

It’s Captain John
The vessel of opportunity program meeting provided by BP, that I attended yesterday along with 400 of my local commercial fishermen, charter boat captains, and deckhands, was nothing more than a man sized pacifier dangled in front of all of us to buy more time. Not one boat was hired, not one man got a job. A total of 17 boats have been hired in the state of Mississippi, all out of the Pascagoula area. I learned how to boom oil, stretch booms, safety gear techniques, and most importantly what sedimentary dispersion of oil is. Don’t over think it folks.Sedimentary dispersion is simply dropping the oil to the sea floor, with the use of toxic dispersant, in 5000 feet of water, hoping the currents will remove it from the cameras view.

Thank goodness for CNN reporting that only two birds died, and two birds were cleaned and then set free, oh what a great job BP is doing. The Alabama Department of Wildlife and Fisheries personally confirmed to me that 3 porpoises have washed up on Horn Island 11 miles away from our home shore, BP has confirmed that the oil is still 30 miles off shore. But as of Tuesday, I personally captained my boat through an oil spill as big my house, 8.6 miles due south, north of the barrier islands. I informed City Hall, our local media, our county supervisors, they all told me I must have been mistaken, but the white towel I dipped in the oil is still a sore subject with The Bumpkin as it will never come clean. That pesky rusty algae, looks like oil to me. Yeah, can you believe it, oil sitings reported to DMR and BP are being discounted as rust colored algae in the water. First time since the 80’s I’ve seen rust colored algae in these waters.

People they are treating us like fools, to protect the bottom line.
This has far surpassed a BP cover up, this cover up is being supplied by the US Government.
This must be the 9th day in a row, that the oil is just now hitting the Chandeleur Islands, the largest bird sanctuary I have ever seen in my life, not to mention the loudest. Fishing 50 yards off those islands, you can’t hear the man in the boat next to you, the birds are so loud.
They are pretending to coordinate locals into this effort, yet have denied over qualified help, due to administrative loop holes. I don’t know how many loop holes there are, but I for one am tired of jumping through those hoops. I have been as nice as I am going to be. At this point I am encouraging any federal agency to arrest me for performing animal rescue work. First responders with their hands tied behind their back, I won’t tolerate it. Thank god forTri-state Bird Resuce the DELAWARE agency that has been hired by BP to rescue every single animal in need. How ridiculous, they also can not coordinate qualified volunteers, yet are being paid to do so. Gag orders signed, check’s in the mail. These animal’s are riding on Hush Money? Our marine life does not have the luxury of time, they have to eat, they have to breathe, WTF people? Who’s the animal’s voice in this situation, who’s gonna step up, paid or not? Most importantly, WHEN, when are they gonna step up? We should have teams of rescue and cleaning volunteers on those islands, we should have cleaning stations aboard the vessels, we should have immediate transport to medical facilities, we have none of the above.

Got that from:

Since when does the media start to ignore disasters? Well, it certainly seems it has been for this oil leak and the flooding in the south.

Come on…we blamed Bush for Katrina. Where is the outrage here? Where is Obama?

Flood Fears Rise in Fargo, North Dakota

*My heart goes out to my brothers and sisters in Fargo. I have quite a few family members there. My thoughts and prayers are with you!*

North Dakota is in a race against time as residents try to shore up huge sandbag levees ahead of massive flooding expected to hit this weekend. Forecasters predict the Red River’s waters will crest at 41 feet by early Saturday, exceeding record levels set in 1997.

Along the river, residents engaged in a frantic battle against the fast-rising water and bitter cold. Water reached 35.6 feet in Fargo by midday Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service. City officials said they’ll add another foot to the dikes — already 42 feet high — in an effort to withstand the river’s crest.

Mayor Dennis Walaker said the city is bracing for the worst. “We’re talking about levels never reached before by any stretch of the imagination,” he said.

A 41-foot crest in Fargo would be two feet higher than the record level of 39.6 in April 1997, when the area was struck by one of the largest and costliest floods in U.S. history. President Obama has already declared the state a federal disaster area.

Scientists to Issue Stark Warning Over Dramatic New Sea Level Figures

Scientists will warn this week that rising sea levels, triggered by global warming, pose a far greater danger to the planet than previously estimated. There is now a major risk that many coastal areas around the world will be inundated by the end of the century because Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting faster than previously estimated.

[With much of the country already below sea level, even a small rise would be devastating for the Dutch. (Photograph: Peter Dejong/AP)]With much of the country already below sea level, even a small rise would be devastating for the Dutch. (Photograph: Peter Dejong/AP)

Low-lying areas including Bangladesh, Florida, the Maldives and the Netherlands face catastrophic flooding [1], while, in Britain, large areas of the Norfolk Broads and the Thames estuary are likely to disappear by 2100. In addition, cities including London, Hull and Portsmouth will need new flood defences.

“It is now clear that there are going to be massive flooding disasters around the globe,” said Dr David Vaughan, of the British Antarctic Survey. “Populations are shifting to the coast, which means that more and more people are going to be threatened by sea-level rises.”

The issue is set to dominate the opening sessions of the international climate change [2] conference in Copenhagen this week, when scientists will outline their latest findings on a host of issues concerning global warming. The meeting has been organised to set the agenda for this December’s international climate talks (also to be held in Copenhagen), which will draw up a treaty to replace the current Kyoto protocol for limiting carbon dioxide emissions.

And key to these deliberations will be the issue of ice-sheet melting. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – when it presented its most up-to-date report on the likely impact of global warming in 2007 – concluded that sea-level rises of between 20 and 60 centimetres would occur by 2100. These figures were derived from estimates of how much the sea will increase in volume as it heats up, a process called thermal expansion, and from projected increases in run-off water from melting glaciers in the Himalayas and other mountain ranges.

But the report contained an important caveat: that its sea-level rise estimate contained very little input from melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. The IPCC forecast therefore tended to underestimate forthcoming changes.

“The IPCC felt the whole dynamics of polar ice-sheet melting were too poorly understood,” added Vaughan. “However, we are now getting a much better idea of what is going on in Greenland and Antarctica and can make much more accurate forecasts about ice-sheet melting and its contribution to sea-level rises.”

From studying satellite images, scientists have watched the sea ice that hugs the Greenland and Antarctic shores dwindle and disappear. Sea-ice melting on its own does not cause ocean levels to rise, but its disappearance has a major impact on land ice sheets. Without sea ice to prop them up, the land sheets tip into the water and disintegrate at increasing rates, a phenomenon that is now being studied in detail by researchers.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent from our studies of Greenland and Antarctica that changes to sea ice are being transmitted into the hearts of the land-ice sheets in a remarkably short time,” added Vaughan. As a result, those land sheets are breaking up faster and far more melt water is being added to the oceans than was previously expected.

These revisions suggest sea-level rises could easily top a metre by 2100 – a figure that is backed by the US Geological Survey, which this year warned that they could reach as much as 1.5 metres.

In addition, in September, a team led by Tad Pfeffer at the University of Colorado at Boulder published calculations using conservative, medium and extreme glaciological assumptions for sea-level rise expected from Greenland, Antarctica and the world’s smaller glaciers and ice caps. They concluded that the most plausible scenario, when factoring in thermal expansion due to warming waters, will lead to a total sea level rise of one to two metres by 2100.

Similarly, a commission of 20 international experts, called on by the Dutch government to help plan its coastal defences, recently gave a range of 55cm to 1.1 metres for sea-level rises by 2100. “Equally important, this commission has highlighted the fact that sea-level rise will not stop in the year 2100,” said Professor Stefan Rahmstorf of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. “By 2200, they estimate a rise of 1.5 to 3.5m unless we stop the warming. This would spell the end of many of our coastal cities.”

This point was backed by Dr Jason Lowe of the Hadley Centre, the UK’s foremost climate change research centre. “It is still not clear exactly how much the sea will rise by the end of this century, but it is certain that rises will continue for hundreds of years beyond that – even if we do manage to stabilise carbon dioxide emissions and halt the rise in atmospheric temperature. The sea will continue to heat up and expand. In addition, the Greenland ice sheets will continue to melt,” he said.

This latter effect could, ultimately, have a particularly destructive impact. Scientists have calculated that if industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases eventually produce a global temperature increase of around 4C, there is a risk that Greenland’s ice covering could melt completely. This could take several hundred years or it might require a couple of thousand. The end result is not in doubt, however. It would add around seven metres to the planet’s sea levels. The consequence would be utter devastation.

Such a scenario is distant, but real, scientists insist. However, at present, the most important issue, they argue, is that of short-term sea-level rises: probably around one metre by 2100. When that occurs, the Maldives will be submerged, along with islands like the Sunderbans in the Bay of Bengal, and Kiribati and Tuvalu in the Pacific. The US – which has roughly 12,400 miles of coastline and more than 19,900 square miles of coastal wetlands – would face a bill of around $156bn to protect this land. Cities such as London would require massive investments to provide defences against the rising waters. Others, such as Alexandria, in Egypt, would simply be inundated.

Rising oceans will also contaminate both surface and underground fresh water supplies, worsening the world’s existing fresh-water shortage. Underground water sources in Thailand, Israel, China and Vietnam are already experiencing salt-water contamination.

Coastal farmland will be wiped out, triggering massive displacements of men, women and children. It is estimated that a one-metre sea-level rise could flood 17% of Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest countries, reducing its rice-farming land by 50% and leaving tens of millions without homes.

Such destruction would not be caused merely by rising sea levels, however. Other effects of global warming will also worsen the mayhem that lies ahead: in particular, the increase in major storms. “When we talk about the dangers of future sea-level rises, we are not talking about a problem akin to pouring water into a bath,” added Dr Colin Brown, director of engineering at the Institution of Mechanical Engineering. “Climate-change research shows there will be significant increases in storms as global temperatures rise. These will produce more intense gales and hurricanes and these, in turn, will produce massive storm surges as they pass over the sea.”

The result will be the appearance of the super-surge, a climatic double whammy that will savage low-lying regions that include Britain’s south-eastern coastline, in particular East Anglia and the Thames Estuary, along with cities such as London, Portsmouth and Hull, which are rated as being particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise.

In addition to these hotspots, the country will also face massive disruption to its transport and energy systems unless it acts swiftly, according to a report – Climate Change, Adapting to the Inevitable – published last month by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Many rail lines run along river valleys that will be flooded with increased regularity while bridges carrying trains and lorries often cross shipping lanes and may have to be redesigned to accommodate rising water levels.

“Power supplies will also be affected,” added Brown. “The Sizewell B nuclear plant has been built on the Suffolk coast, a site that has been earmarked for the construction of several more nuclear plants. However, Sizewell will certainly be affected by rising sea levels. Engineers say they can build concrete walls that will keep out the water throughout the working lives of these new plants. But that is not enough. Nuclear plants may operate for 50 years, but it could take hundreds of years to decommission them. By that time, who knows what sea-level rises and what kinds of inundations the country will be experiencing?”

Most scientists believe Britain remains relatively well placed to combat sea-level rises. “The government has been fairly far-sighted over this issue, with projects such as Thames Estuary 2100 being set up to prepare flooding defence projects,” said Professor Robert Nicholls, of Southampton University.

This does not stop the controversy, however. In its report, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers warned that many areas would have to be abandoned because they are simply too expensive to protect. In particular, large areas of the Norfolk coastline would be left to be inundated, a massive loss of human habitat.

But this approach represents an abrogation of national duty to many people – particularly those whose homes will be destroyed, individuals such as Martin George, former chairman of the Broads Society. “A country that has the technological know-how to extract oil and coal from below the North Sea should surely be capable of finding a way to protect a concrete sea wall against the effects of climate change. We should do our damnedest to safeguard our heritage,” he said.

2009…in preparation for 2012?

Already, it has been an interesting week.

We have monsters killing children, causing a horrible crisis that people cannot even respond to without being killed or villified…

The media prepping us for a huge solar event that will knock out our communications and electric grids (that will culminate in a huge solar storm in 2012.)

A huge “noise” coming from space, that science cannot figure out.

Earthquakes increasing, Yellowstone heating up.

Very cold weather, very bad winter (Ragnarok?)

Already a few flooding events.

Wildfire in Colorado?

The world economy in a shambles.

2009 has already been a bit TOO interesting. Keep an eye out. Watch your dreams, they hold the key.

2012 IS COMING… keep in mind things are going to be very confusing until that point. Things will be hairy, but if you keep your wits, you will be fine 🙂

Huge tidal waves smash into PNG

More than 400 people have been made homeless by huge tidal waves which hit the northern coastal region of Papua New Guinea, reports say.

The waves smashed into dozens of villages and towns on Tuesday, local newspapers said.

Homes were destroyed and a number of businesses and a hospital were flooded.

No casualties have been reported so far, but officials said communication with some of PNG’s outlying islands remained difficult.

Heavy flooding

Tuesday’s huge waves – reportedly caused by tidal surges – lashed an 800km (500 mile) stretch along PNG’s northern coastline.

Coastal towns such as Wewak and the nearby island of New Ireland were particularly hard hit and sea levels rose by several feet, reports said.

The onslaught lasted for six hours, reported PNG newspaper The National, creating “pools as deep as two metres, sending sediment and debris flooding into homes and businesses”.

Local authorities sent emergency messages to the national government in the capital Port Moresby for assistance with the relief operation.

A huge earthquake off PNG’s northern coast in 1998 triggered a 16m-high tsunami that devastated the seaside town of Aitape and killed more than 2,000 people.

Communications across PNG are basic, and many tribes in the country’s isolated areas have little contact with each other, let alone the outside world.

Some 80% of the country’s population live in rural areas with few or no facilities.

High tide wallops Venice for 2nd straight day

VENICE, Italy (AP) – Strong southern winds pushed the Adriatic Sea into Venice again Tuesday, submerging parts of the lagoon city a day after an unusually high tide caused the worst flooding in 20 years.

Tuesday’s tidal surge peaked at 3 feet, 4 inches (102 centimeters), well below Monday’s 5 foot, 1-inch level (156 centimeters), which marked the fourth highest tide in the city’s recorded history and the worst since 1986.

Still, the water Tuesday was high enough to flood the city’s landmark St. Mark’s Square and other low-lying areas.

Tourists and locals waded through the historic piazza with high boots as alarms warned of the latest bout of “acqua alta.” At least one person decided to enjoy the flooded square, zipping about with a kite-surf until police stepped in to end his fun.

Most locals were not amused by the sea’s return.

“Today is going a little bit better, but yesterday it was a disaster,” said jeweler Adriano Cavassoni as he checked the water flowing in front of his shop’s doorstep.

On Monday, the knee-high water invaded shops, damaged merchandise, idled transportation including the city’s public water buses and led to some power cuts. Most Venetians were surprised because authorities didn’t initially forecast such a high tide level, but no damage to the city’s artistic treasures was reported.

The ANSA news agency reported that Venice was planning to spend euro1 million ($1.27 million) to pay for the damages left by the flood. City officials said authorities and shopkeepers would discuss the issue at a meeting Thursday.

Strong southern winds have been driving the sea into Venice’s lagoon, causing the unusually high tides. Forecasters said the tides are expected to subside in the next few days as the weather improves.

While many tourists gladly splashed around the city, some hoteliers feared that the images of Monday’s high tide would scare away visitors.

“We’ve been flooded with calls from people who want to cancel their reservation because they think Venice is under water,” said Giuseppe Mazzarella, a receptionist at the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal. “We reassured them that it’s all over … and even if it happens again, it’s quite fun for tourists.”

Venice is building a system of movable barriers that would rise from the seabed to ease the effect of high tides, but the $5.5 billion project won’t be completed until 2010 at the earliest.

Flood alert as storm poised to hit UK

Britain will be buffeted by heavy rain and strong winds today as the first major storm of the autumn gets under way.

Parts of the UK have been warned to expect more than two weeks of rainfall in 24 hours, and forecasters say there is a risk of localised flooding across the country.

South-west England and south Wales have been battered since the early hours and the rain is expected to head north east throughout the day, hitting Northern Ireland and the south of Scotland by mid-afternoon.

Paul Mott of MeteoGroup, the weather division of the Press Association, warned that up to 50mm of rain was expected in the next 24 hours, as much as would be typically seen in a fortnight in September.

Experts warn that after an unusually-wet August the ground is saturated the risk of flooding is increased across the UK

Gusts of up to 50mph will make it a “thoroughly miserable” day according to Mr Mott, who advised commuters to leave extra time for their journeys because of the weather.

Mr Mott said: “For most areas it will be a wet and miserable day, and we would advise people to take care on the roads and allow extra time for their journeys.

“There will be some localised flooding in Wales and the north east in areas that are prone to it, but we’re not expecting widespread flooding.”

“It’s going to remain unstable over the weekend. There will be rain, sometimes heavy rain, through the UK with northern England bearing the brunt of it.

People in Gloucestershire are bracing themselves for another night of heavy rain after storms swept into the region, causing flash floods.

Downpours overnight and this morning led to road closures in the county and firefighters had to pump out floodwater from homes.

Residents are now preparing for the possibility of more flooding after forecasters predicted downpours to continue throughout the night and into the morning as the South West feels the brunt of a storm coming in from the Atlantic.

The Met Office has issued a severe weather warning for the region until this evening and say around 2in of rain is expected.

Severe weather warnings are also in force for Wales, the north west, north east, south west and south east of England as well as London.

Gloucestershire County Council has put services on high alert after learning from the lessons of the major floods which wreaked havoc throughout the county in July last year.

Around 13 houses in Lakeside Avenue, Lydney, have been affected by flash flooding and householders say it is the second time this year the street has been deluged.

President Bush declares a “major disaster” area in Florida on Sunday

*The storm that never ends*

(CNN) — Florida Gov. Charlie Crist warned Sunday that more flooding could be on the way in parts of the state already hard-hit by Tropical Storm Fay, now a tropical depression.

Crist told reporters he would take an aerial tour Sunday of the areas that took the worst of the storm.

Also Sunday, President Bush declared a “major disaster” area in Florida, making the counties of Brevard, Monroe, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie eligible for federal funds.

Fay, the tropical storm that wouldn’t go away, has weakened to a tropical depression, but forecasters warn it could still drop up to a foot of rain along its path over northwest Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

Fay was marching west-northwestward at 10 mph Sunday morning, and forecasters warned that the storm could spawn isolated tornadoes Sunday in the Florida Panhandle, western Georgia and Alabama.

Fay, which sprang to life eight days ago over the Dominican Republic, caused flooding and at least 10 deaths in Haiti before sweeping over Cuba, the Florida Keys and onto the Florida peninsula.

The storm spent several days circling the central and upper coast of Florida with heavy rain and severe flooding before beginning its current westward track. Send your videos, photos from the storm

Fay is blamed for 11 Florida deaths.

Another storm-related death was reported in Cairo, Georgia — about 35 miles north of Tallahassee — when a teenager playing near a drainage area was swept away in rising waters, the National Weather Service

Fay’s disorganized center was about 60 miles east-northeast of Mobile, Alabama, and about 30 miles north-northeast of Pensacola, Florida, the hurricane center advisory said.

Radar measured Fay’s top sustained winds at about 35 mph late Saturday, and it is expected to gradually weaken over the next two days, the center said.

“Fay is expected to produce total rainfall accumulations of 6 to 12 inches across the extreme western portion of the northern Florida Peninsula, the Florida Panhandle, southwestern Georgia, the southern and central portions of Mississippi and Alabama and eastern Louisiana,” the hurricane center said.

It also said some areas could get as much as 20 inches of rain.

While all tropical storm warnings and watches have ended, emergency officials along the Gulf Coast are braced.

In New Orleans, a famously low-lying city, the Army Corps of Engineers said its canal flood-watch teams have been activated as a precaution.

In anticipation of the storm’s westward movement, teams will “mobilize to their duty stations 8 a.m. Sunday, and monitor canals and levees in the city,” the Corps said in a written statement Saturday.

Col. Alvin Lee, New Orleans District commander, said the actions were “precautionary measures for the safety of the public.”

“However, we are prepared to close the gates and run the pumps should the need arise,” he said.

The Corps took responsibility after Hurricane Katrina flooded most of New Orleans in 2005 for not having built sufficient levees against flooding.

The National Hurricane Center said isolated areas of eastern Louisiana could have up to 20 inches of rain.

Mobile County, Alabama, opened five shelters and called in swift-water rescue teams in anticipation of flooding, said Steve Huffman, spokesman for the county’s emergency management agency.
“The storm is actually weakening. That’s not to say we’re not going to have rain,” Huffman told CNN. “We’re still expecting some flooding because of this. We’ve got everything on standby — hopefully it won’t come to that.”