Proof that vulcanic ash comes from a Nordic god

*I found this one amusing, had to post it.*

For those who doubt the veracity of my blog yesterday suggesting that the Icelanders had summued up some kind of Nordic god in revenge for Britain’s use of strong armed tactics to extract compensation over the Icesave collapse, take a look at the following photograph.

Incredible it may seem, but taken by the Icelandic coast guard a few days back using special cameras, it shows the three main vents of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. If this is not the face of some fallen deity summoned up from the undeworld, I don’t know what is.

Völuspá-The Song of the Sybil

Heidi men call me when their homes I visit,
A far seeing Volva, wise in talismans.
Caster of spells, cunning in magic.
To wicked women welcome always.

Arm rings and necklaces, Odhinn you gave me
To learn my lore, to learn my magic:
Wider and wider through all worlds I see.

Outside I sat by myself when you came,
Terror of the gods, and gazed in my eyes.
What do you ask of me? Why tempt me?
Odhinn, I know where your eye is concealed,
Hidden away in the well of Mimir:
Mimir each morning his mead drinks
From Valfather’s pledge. Well would you know more?

Of Heimdal too and his horn I know.
Hidden under the holy tree
Down on it pours a precious stream from Valfather’s pledge
Well would you know more?

Silence I ask of the sacred folk,
Silence of the kith and kin of Heimdal:
At your will Valfather, I shall well relate
The old songs of men I remember best.

I tell of giants from times forgotten.
Those who fed me in former days:
Nine worlds I can reckon, nine roots of the tree.
The wonderful ash, way under the ground

When Ymir lived long ago
Was no sand or sea, no surging waves.
Nowhere was there earth nor heaven above.
Bur a grinning gap and grass nowhere.

The sons of Bur then built up the lands.
Moulded in magnificence middle-Earth:
Sun stared from the south on the stones of their hall,
From the ground there sprouted green leeks.

Sun turned from the south, sister of Moon,
Her right arm rested on the rim of Heaven;
She had no inkling where her hall was,
Nor Moon a notion of what might he had,
The planets knew not where their places were.

The high gods gathered in council
In their hall of judgement. all the rulers:
To Night and to Nightfall their names gave,
The Morning they named and the Mid-Day,
Mid-Winter, Mid-Summer, for the assigning of years.

At Ida’s Field the Aesir met:
Temple and altar they timbered and raised,
Set up a forge to smithy treasures,
Tongs they fashioned and tools wrought;

Played chess in the court and cheerful were;
Gold they lacked not, the gleaming metal
Then came three, the Thurs maidens,
Rejoicing in their strength, from Giant-home.

The high Gods gathered in council.
In their hall of judgement: Who of the dwarves
Should mould man by master craft
From Brimir’s blood and Blain’ s limbs?

Motsognir was their mighty ruler,
Greatest of dwarves, and Durin after him :
The dwarves did as Durin directed,
Many man forms made from the earth.

Nyi and Nidi, Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Vestri, Althjof, Dvalin, Bivor,
Bavor Bombur, Nori, An and Anar, Ai, Mjodvitnir, Veignr and Gandalf,
Vindalf, Thorin, Thror and Thrain, Thekkur, Litur, Vitur, Nar and Nyradur,
Fili, Kili, Fundin, Nali Hefti, Vili, Hanar, Sviur, Billing, Bruni, Bildur,
and Buri, Frar, Hornbori Fraegur, Loni, Aurvangur, Jari, Eikinskjaldi:
(All Durin’s folk I have duly named,)

I must tell of the dwarves in Dvalin’ s host;
Like lions they were in Lofar’s time:
In Juravale’s marsh they made their dwelling,
From their Stone hall set out on journeys,

There was Draupnir and Dolgthrasir, Har, Haugspori, Hlevangur, Gloi, Dori,
Ori, Dufur, Andvari, Skirvir, Virvir Skafidur, Ai, Alf and Yngvi,
Eikinskjaldi, Fjalar and Frosti, Finn and Ginnar: Men will remember while
men live
The long line of Lofar’s forbears.

Then from the host three came,
Great, merciful, from the God’s home:
Ash and Elm on earth they found,
Faint, feeble, with no fate assigned them

Breath they had not, nor blood nor senses,
Nor language possessed, nor life-hue:
Odhinn gave them breath, Haenir senses,
Blood and life hue Lothur gave.

I know an ash tree, named Yggdrasil:
Sparkling showers are shed on its leaves
That drip dew, into the dales below,
By Urd’s well it waves evergreen,
Stands over that still pool,
Near it a bower whence now there come
The Fate Maidens, first Urd,
Then Verdandi, the second
Skuld ,third of the Norns: scorer of runes,
The laws that determine the lives of men
They fixed forever and their fate sealed.

The first war in the world I well remember,
When Gullveig was spitted on spear-points
And burned in the hall of. the high god:
Thrice burned, thrice reborn,
Often laid low, she lives yet,

The gods hastened to their hall of judgement,
Sat in council to discover who
Had tainted all the air with corruption
And Odhinn’s maid offered to the giants,

At the host Odhinn hurled his spear
In the first world-battle; broken was the plankwall
Of the gods fortress: the fierce Vanes
Caused war to occur in the fields.

The gods hastened to their hall of judgement,
Sat in council to discover who
Had tainted all the air with corruption
And Odhinn’s maid offered to the giants.

One Thorr felled in his fierce rage;
Seldom he sits when of such he hears:
Oaths were broken, binding vows,
Solemn agreements sworn between them.

Valkyries I saw, coming from afar,
Eagerly riding to aid the Goths;
Skuld bore one shield, Skogul another
Gunn, Hild, Gondul and Spearskogul:
Duly have I named the daughters of Odhinn,
The valiant riders the Valkyries.

Baldur I saw the bleeding God,
His fate still hidden, Odhinn’s Son:
Tall on the plain a plant grew,
A slender marvel, the mistletoe.

From that fair shrub, shot by Hodur,
Flew the fatal dart that felled the god, .
But Baldur’ s brother was born soon after:
Though one night old, Odhinn’s Son
Took a vow to avenge that death.

His hands he washed not nor his hair combed .
Till Baldur’s bane was borne to the pyre:,
Deadly the bow drawn by Vali,
The strong string of stretched gut,
But Frigga wept in Fensalir
For the woe of Valhalla. Well, would you know more?

I see one in bonds by the boiling springs;
Like Loki he looks, loathsome to view:
There Sigyn sits, sad by her husband,
In woe by her man. Well would you know more?

From the east through Venom Valley runs
Over jagged rocks the River Gruesome.

North, in Darkdale, stands the dwelling place
Of Sindri’s kin, covered with gold;
A hall also in Everfrost,
The banquet hall of Brimir the giant.

A third I see, that no sunlight reaches,
On Dead Man’s Shore: the doors face northward,
Through its smoke vent venom drips,
Serpent skins enskein that hall.

Men wade there tormented by the stream,
Vile murderers, men forsworn
And artful seducers of other mens wives:
Nidhogg sucks blood from the bodies of the dead
The wolf rends them. Well, would you know more?

In the east dwells a crone, in Ironwood:
The brood of Fenris are bred there
Wolf-monsters, one of whom
Eventually shall devour the sun.

The giants watchman, joyful Eggthur
Sits on his howe and harps well:
The red cock, called All-Knower
Boldly crows from Birdwood.

Goldencomb to the gods crows
Who wakes the warriors in Valhalla:
A soot red hen also calls
From Hel’s hall, deep under the ground.

Loud howls Garm before Gnipahellir,
Bursting his fetters, Fenris runs:
Further in the future afar I behold
The twilight of the gods who gave victory.

Brother shall strike brother and both fall,
Sisters’ sons defiled with incest;
Evil be on earth, an age of. whoredom,
Of sharp sword-play and shields clashing,
A wind-age, a wolf-age till the world ruins:
No man to another shall mercy show.

The waters are troubled, the waves surge up:
Announcing now the knell of Fate,
Heimdal winds his horn aloft,
On Hel’s road all men tremble

Yggdrasil trembles, the towering ash
Groans in woe; the wolf is loose:
Odhinn speaks with the head of Mimir
Before he is swallowed by Surt’s kin.

From the east drives Hrym, lifts up his shield
The squamous serpent squirms with rage
The great worm with the waves contending
The pale-beaked eagle pecks at the dead,
Shouting for joy: the ship Naglfar

Sails out from the east, at its helm Loki
With the children of darkness, the doom-bringers
Offspring of monsters, allies of the wolf,
All who Byleists’s brother follow.

What of the gods? What of the elves?
Gianthome groans the gods are in council
The dwarves grieve before their door of stone,
Masters of walls. Well, would you know more?

Surt with the bane of branches comes
From the south, on his sword the sun of the Valgods,
Crags topple, the crone falls headlong,
Men tread Hel’s road, the Heavens split open.

A further woe falls upon Hlin
As Odhinn comes forth to fight the wolf;
The killer of Beli battles with Surt:
Now shall fall Frigga’s beloved.

Now valiant comes Valfather’s son,
Vidar, to vie with Valdyr in battle,
Plunges his sword into he son of Hvedrung,
Avenging his father with a fell thrust.

Now the son of Hlodyn and Odhinn comes
To fight with Fenris; fiercest of warriors
He mauls in his rage all Middle-Earth;
Men in fear all flee their homesteads;
Nine paces back steps Bur’s son
Retreats from the worm of taunts unafraid.

Now death is the portion of doomed men,
Red with blood the buildings of gods,
The sun turns black in the summer after,
Winds whine. Well, would know more?

Earth sinks in the sea, the sun turns black,
Cast down from Heaven are the hot stars,
Fumes reek, into flames burst,
The sky itself is scorched with fire.

I see Earth rising a second time
Out of the foam, fair and green;
Down from the fells fish to capture,
Wings the eagle; waters flow.

At lda’s Field the Aesir meet:
They remember the worm of Middle-Earth,
Ponder again the great twilight
And the ancient runes of the high god

Boards shall be found of a beauty to wonder at,
Boards of gold in the grass long after,
The chess boards they owned in the olden days,

Unsown acres shall harvests bear,
Evil be abolished, Baldur return
And Hropt’s hall with Hod rebuild,
Wise gods. Well, would you know more?

Haenir shall wield the wand of prophecy,
The sons two brothers set up their dwelling
In wide Windhome. Well, would you know more?

Fairer than sunlight, I see a hall
A hall thatched with gold in Gimle:
Kind Lords shall live there in delight for ever.

Now rides the Strong One to Rainbow Door,
Powerful from heaven, the All-Ruler:
From the depths below a drake comes flying
The dark dragon from Darkfell,
Bears on his pinions the bodies of men,
Soars overhead I sink now.

Quotes from the Havamal

Some nice stuff for your Valentine’s Day!

Always rise
to an early meal,
but eat your fill before a feast.
If you’re hungry
you have no time
to talk at the table.

Never walk
away from home
ahead of your axe and sword.
You can’t feel a battle
in your bones
or foresee a fight.

The unwise man
is awake all night
worries over and again.
When morning rises
he is restless still,
his burden as before.

Be your friend’s
true friend.
Return gift for gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter again
but betrayal with treachery.

Cattle die,
kinsmen die
the self must also die;
I know one thing
which never dies:
the reputation of each dead man.

Questions for Fundamentalists

This is for the people that pray to God for him to strike Iran.

What sort of “God” are you praying to? Is this love, light, forgiveness? Or is this hate, darkness and pain? Are you really praying to the light, or are you praying to death and destruction?

You complain about satanists, right? That Satanists do all sorts of sacrifices and terrible deeds…are you sure that isn’t what you are praying to, guys? The men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Iran if your God is lucky, have become SACRIFICES. Sacrifices on the altar of partisan and religious insanity.

YOU ARE PRAYING during the day, while with your family, prior to dinner, for your God to STRIKE your enemies. You don’t find that in the least bit sick? Not even a little bit?

If this isn’t abhorrent behavior, I don’t know what is.

Yet you continue to say the rest of us are psychotics.

Wake up and open your eyes.


The Mayan Elders are also saying expect an uptick of Earth Changes this year.

Here is an interview (part of) done by Mitch Battros talking with Carlos Barrios (a Mayan elder) that is a very interesting read. Even the Mayan elders know of the great earth changes to come.

By Mitch Battros – Earth Changes Media

“I just had a second interview with Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder of the the ‘Clan de Aguila’ (the Eagle clan). As part of my personal learning curve, I need to be very careful how I present breaking news events, and even more so when I present prophecy and predictions.
Why? Because the prophecy and predictions I present here on ECM has a high accuracy rate. This is not by coincidence – it is by devoting endless hours to research, and maintaining the highest level of credibility and integrity. In other words, if you read it here you will know it came from the highest ranking officials in the science community. Just as importantly is my association with the astronomical community – which btw detects some 90 percent of bolides coming our way.
Our discussion and my message to you came before two of the events had occurred.
1) Haiti which is near the Puerto Rico Subduction Zone. But note: this event is not the one which has been envisioned. It will be a larger quake measuring in the 9 + magnitude on the east side of Puerto Rico directly along the line of the Subduction Zone. A tsunami will be created and travel northeast towards the US east coast.
2) The closest asteroid ever recorded occurred just days after our interview and notice to the public. It was no more than 24 hours before it was detected.
Now please … also remember that Carlos and every elder of many ancient tribes I have spoke with or studied have all left this message: “Change is coming, but we are not helpless. We have the power to change the path of our personal and collective journey.”

(The audio file is now up on the ECM site)

My personal view is events will happen for a specific reason.
The events to come are not here to ‘punish’ us; it is here to ‘help’ us. It will bring us back to a healthy state of community. Perhaps the events are a necessary step directing us back to the pathway of finding “the purpose of the human being.”
I also need to say I do not depend on ancient prophecy or prediction as I make my personal decisions for myself and family. I maintain a healthy dependence on science and research. It is when the two come together which directs my attention and choices. Please consider these words.

You can see a list of endorsements for my research from agencies such as NASA, NOAA, European Space Agency (ESA), US Naval Observatory, and Royal Observatory to name a few.
You also know that I am humbled (and maybe just lucky); to be acquainted with highly respected elders of descendants from ancient tribes. You might have heard of a few such as Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya , Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and of course Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder of the ‘Clan de Aguila’ (the Eagle can).
All this to say one thing
… It is important to be discerning with information that is presented to you. What I am about to tell you is uncomfortable; it is also potential dangerous to those who are prone to become overwhelmed or trigger past trauma’s. There really is such a thing as “disaster fatigue”. Although disaster fatigue is most often directed to the person “in the event”, it can also affect those who witness it … and yes, this means even by television, computer, or newspaper.
Here are the topics we discussed. This is where it gets a little uncomfortable:
More earth changes are coming this year. Unusual or larger earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons.
Nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India
Second more costly phase of economic crash
Near miss asteroid with less than 72 hour notice
“It Has Begun”
was one of the first things Carlos said in our first interview which occurred “before” Haiti. He mentioned it again in our second. I have put the two audios together, putting part of the second interview in the front. Carlos starts with a prayer spoken in the Mayan native tongue. He later explained much of the prayer is to bring harmony, to us as individuals, collectively as a nation, and to mother earth.
“We are out of balance.”
We need to say a prayer for the Earth. She is warning us – and we are out of time”. Carlos tells us 2010 shows a distinct progression in earth changing events. “There will be more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, typhoons this year. We need to pray for harmony – This is the purpose of our current transition.”
Carlos turned his attention to the Earth’s core.
He specifically mentioned “magma”. “We need to focus (our attention) to the center of Earth — we need to watch the magma.” He presented it in a way that suggests the Earth’s core acts as a barometer (pulse) of actions in the galaxy and (collectively) within each of us.
Carlos went on to say something which grabbed my attention.
“We need to find the purpose of the human being.” It was the way he said it, and the context in which it was presented. It’s not really new; we have heard the saying for many years: “we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Maybe it is because we are so much closer to experience ‘the experience’ that it just feels different.
Carlos became unusually emotional at this point. He tells us the elders are sad; “they don’t like to speak anymore. The people believe someone will save them, that we will save them. We have lost our sense of personal responsibility, our national responsibility. Many of the people have become more like robots detached from their true selves.” The Mayan elders continue to do sacred ceremonies
to bring balance back to the Earth and the people. But he says: “That is not enough; it needs to be all of us. We are greater in numbers.” Carlos acknowledges there are people in power who do not want the changes that are coming. “This is why the earth changes are coming; to bring harmony back to the Earth and to us.”

12 Days of Yule

The Twelve Days of Yule
December 20th – December 31st

1st day of Yule – Mother’s Night
Mother’s Night welcomes in the Season of Yule. As we encourage the return of Sunna (the feminine aspect of the Sun) we honor the feminine all around us. Honor the Idises, Asynjor, all Mothers, Great Grandmothers and your feminine ancestors. Raise a horn to the glorious women who give birth to us and to the feminine spirits that support us. Give this time in honor to all Mothering aspects.

2nd Day of Yule – The Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice represents the shortest day and the longest night. From this day onward Sunna gains strength and eventually breaks winter’s spell. Celebrate Sunna’s return and the fertility she brings!

3rd Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Courage
Courage is definitely an attitude of boldness, however, not the absence of fear. Courage is the carrying in spite of your fear. It is courage that allows us to live life in such a manner that we can be proud.

4th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Truth
Truth is as relative as the individual. What one person or group finds to be the Truth, another finds to be ridiculous. There is no universal truth. There is no one-way or right way of seeing things. What we accept as truth is merely that; our truth. No one person or group has the right to dictate their truth on anyone. Search for your own truth.

5th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Honor
Honor is the ability to hold your head high in all situations. We set standards for ourselves and live according to those standards. We are not encouraged to set low standards, rather, set high standards and work toward them continually, even behind closed doors.

6th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Fidelity
We must remain loyal to who and what we are. Those around us need to have the ability to take us at our word, and our word needs to be our bond. Our handshake needs to seal the deal. The devotion to our deeds has to be of the uttermost importance.

7th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Hospitality
Welcome those into your house and your life as you can. In today’s world, we cannot trust everyone with whom we come in contact, but we can exercise caution and be as welcoming as possible. Similarly, be a proper and respectful guest when you are welcomed.

8th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Discipline
Our Way is not an easy way. In many aspects, we fly in the face of the society around us. Stay Tru to the ideals of Heathenry as they unfold in your life. Be diligent in the study of your beliefs. Stay Tru to the gods and goddesses of the Northern Germanic peoples.

9th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Industriousness
Life requires that we work hard. Never sit back and take the easy way out in regards to your ability to create a lifestyle for yourself. No matter the lifestyle you choose, know that your elevation in life, or lack of it, may (but not always) be the direct result of your depth of diligence. Do the best you can, and know that your efforts have been suitably rewarded.

10th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Self-Reliance
Do not create codependent relationships in any way. Do not let your happiness, or your success, be determined by anyone else. Be responsible for yourself. Rely on your own efforts to secure your needs.

11th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Perseverance
If you give up, you die. It really is simple, isn’t it? No matter what you are doing, see it to its conclusion. Even if you try and fail, realize that the only real failure is not trying. Failure is evidence that someone has tried. Success is failure defeated.

12th night
Thus ends the season of Yule as we prepare for the upcoming year. It’s a time to remember from whence you came as well as a time to make plans for the near future. Take oaths, make promises, hold inventory so you know your present position in relation to where you want to be. Remember, “Luck often enough will save a man (or woman) if his (or her) courage holds” (The 13th Warrior).

Created by Vaygar Yngvi Elmersson

Is this hell, or what?

I question things often. I question reality, I question time, I question physics, I question our media. One thing I have been questioning a lot lately has been whether or not earth could be hell.

Try to take Bible-thumping out of it. You know I do not play that game…

Maybe not hell, per se, but a sort of purgatory…a waiting place where we gain experience prior to learning true serenity and love. The experiences we are learning do not seem to be offering true lessons. On a mass scale, and on personal scales, we seem to be repeating the same cycles over and over again. The good, the true, the noble, the honorable…those things do not seem to be important. A great evil has infecting this pale blue dot, an evil that has permeated our very souls. We are paying the price, in what way, I am unsure.

So, are we living in a hell? A purgatory? A place to learn our lesson? The veil has been lifting for some time now, to what goal? As I said, I am full of questions that I do not know the answers to. I do know that things and situations have drastically changed.

I know that this earth is beauty, so before you condemn me for not seeing the beauty in this world, take that thought out of your mind. That is not the case. I see that beauty, the light in an animal’s eyes, the beauty of a forest in a winter landscape with the wind ripping through my soul. I feel that and I experience that. The problem is…many do not see that. That is the issue here. Evil wishes to destroy that beauty for gain.

Perhaps, at the next stop in our galaxy, we will fully know and appreciate. Until then, we must mire through our own purgatory.

What is the Galactic Alignment?

It is important to define what the Galactic Alignment is in precise astronomical terms. (See the Glossary below for terms.)

The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.

Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice sun 36 years to precess through the Galactic equator (see diagram below).

The precise alignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).

Thus, the Galactic Alignment “zone” is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 – 2016. This is “era-2012.”

This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.

These are the astronomical facts of the matter. From a larger perspective, we can visualize the 2012 Galactic Alignment in the following way:

Position A is where the December solstice sun was in relation to the Milky Way some 3,000 years ago. Position B is 1,500 years ago. And position C is “era-2012”, when the December solstice sun has converged, as a result of the precession of the equinoxes, with the exact center-line of the Milky Way (the Galactic equator). Notice that the place of alignment is where the ‘nuclear bulge’ of the Galactic Center is located.

A long awaiting digital portrayal of precession and galactic alignments is now available on Nick Fiorenza’s web site.

Descriptions of the process are also there, but it should be noted that Nick describes what I refer to as “the solstice-galaxy alignment” with a preference for the equinox as the measuring reference. Thus, he speaks of the “Holy Cross” of the equinox axis and the Milky Way. The point is that “solstice-galaxy alignment” and “equinox-galaxy cross” refer to the same event.

It is my hope that the these definitions will help to standardize the terminology so we can clearly discuss the rare precessional alignment that culminates in era-2012.

The ecliptic: The path followed by the sun, moon, and planets. It is the plane of our solar system. The ecliptic encircles the earth and is divided into twelve constellations, or zodiac signs.

The Milky Way: The bright band of star that our solar system belongs to. It encircles the earth and is wider in the region of Sagittarius because that is where the ‘nucelar bulge” of the Milky Way’s center is located (our Milky Way is saucer shaped).

The Galactic equator: The precise mid-line running down the Milky Way. Analogous to the earth’s equator, it divides the galaxy into two hemispheres, or lobes.

The Dark Rift in the Milky Way: A feature caused by interstellar dust that runs along the Milky Way from the Galactic Center northward past the constellation of Aquila.

The December solstice sun: The sun, on the December solstice. It is one-half of a degree wide.

The December solstice point: The precise midpoint of the sun, on the December solstice.

The Precession of the equinoxes: The earth wobbles very slowly on its axis and this causes the position of the equinox to shift backwards, or precess, through the signs of the ecliptic at the rate of one degree every 71.5 years. The full precessional wobble is complete in roughly 25,800 years.

The vernal equinox point is defined by the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator.

The Celestial Equator: The earth’s equator projected into the stars. It is the plane of the earth’s rotation.

The Cross formed by the Milky Way and the ecliptic: Exactly as stated. There are two of these, one in early Sagittarius, the other in early Gemini. The former cross has the virtue of being located within the nuclear bulge of the Galactic Center.

The nuclear bulge / the Galactic Center: A bright and wide region of the Milky Way, visible to the naked eye and between Sagittarius and Scorpio. The more precise and abstract center-point of the nuclear bulge is the precise Galactic Center, located at about 6 degrees Sagittarius (sidereal) and 27 degrees in the tropical zodiac.

Additional Glossary of Mayan Calendar terms

We can have a more general discussion of galactic alignments in history if we consider that the solstice axis aligns with the galactic equator every half precession cycle. Likewise, the equinox axis aligns with the galactic equator every half precession cycle. Thus, galactic alignments, more generally speaking, occur in era 2012 (1980 – 2016) and every quarter precession cycle before and after era 2012.

In terms of Mayan astronomy and mythology, the Dark Rift feature (which the Maya called the Black Road or Xibalba be) lies along the galactic equator (the Milky Way) in the place where the December solstice sun will be in 2012. (More precisely, the December solstice sun will reach the southern terminus of the Dark Rift, where it touches the ecliptic in Sagittarius.) Thus, in terms of Mayan mythology, we can also describe the Galactic Alignment of era-2012 as the alignment of the December solstice sun and the Dark Rift. This entire region is targeted by the cross formed by the Milky Way and the ecliptic between Sagittarius and Scorpio. This Cross was also recognized by the Maya, and was called the Crossroads or Sacred Tree. This entire region is embraced by what astronomers call the ‘nuclear bulge’ of the Galactic Center—the center of our Milky Way galaxy. As any amateur astronomer or naked-eye star gazer knows, this nuclear bulge is recognizable without the aid of radio telescopes. It is wider and brighter than other parts of the Milky Way. So, in a general sense we can also say that the alignment in 2012 is an alignment between the December solstice sun and the Galactic Center. However, since the nuclear bulge is quite large, this definition is not as precise as saying “the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator”, which occurs in the range 1980 – 2016. This is the alignment zone I refer to with the term “era-2012.”

The Nazi UFO Enigma

*I thought this was an interesting article, from awhile back!*



© Brian Allan 1999

Word Count 2203

Although I have some personal reservations about the validity of certain information contained in this article, on balance, I feel that it is worth writing for the following reasons.

1) Over the years, I have heard and read fragments of information concerning a ‘great secret’ which was allegedly in the possession of Nazi Germany during and prior to the Second World War.

  1. This so called ‘great secret’ related to a crashed UFO discovered in the Black Forest during 1936. The rumours implied that this machine was back-engineered to the extent that, when combined with information channelled by an occult group known as the Vril Society, it was capable of flight
  2. These rumours have been consistent and widespread, which leads me to the conclusion that there may be an element of truth in them.

In order to explain the UFO theory, it is first necessary to know a little of specific occult beliefs prevalent in Europe, especially Germany, in the early part of this century.


In the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, there were a variety of secret /occult societies in Germany, the main ones being, The Bavarian Illuminati, The Freemasons, The Rosicrucians, The Thule Society and The Vril Society. Each of these five societies, although based in secrecy and mysticism, had its role and function. Of these five, two were especially noted for their occult connections, The Vril Society and its purely German offshoot The Thule Society. The chief architect of the Thule Society was Baron Rudolph von Sebottendorff, sometimes referred to as Rudolf Glauer. Sebottendorff / Glauer possessed a wide knowledge of Islamic Mysticism in all its aspects, encompassing the Dervish sects and particularly the cult of Sufism which differs markedly from mainstream Islamic teaching.


The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognised as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’. Interestingly, the major players in the 20th century, the USA and the Russian Federation have ELF – extras low frequency – transmitters sited in this area. These transmitters are supposedly used to communicate with submerged submarines, but worryingly, they broadcast these messages at brain-wave frequencies, around 18 to 20Hz.

Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or ‘alien cultures’, in some versions of this, there was interbreeding. In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, they engaged in war with neighbouring civilisations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process. In common with radiation damage in recent times, the surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise damaged offspring. Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool, a variety of self imposed quarantine. Any ‘damaged’ offspring from this group, were neutered. This early example of eugenics was practised until they were sure that any defective genes had been bred out. The other mutated group eventually died out, whether they were ‘assisted’ in this, is open to debate. This may seem like, and indeed is, a harsh, clinical line to adopt, but being faced with the extinction of their entire race, they had little other option.

The descendants of this seminal ‘Mother race’ were the Celts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonising various northern areas of the planet. Scots, Irish, Basques, Spanish, Scandinavians, Icelanders and the Portuguese, all these peoples are of Celtic origin. These disparate nationalities have one common genetic trait, a large percentage of RH-negative blood types, which, according to the beliefs of the Thule society was a characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates. In recent times, the majority of alien abductees are reportedly from RH negative blood groups, is this a possible indication that UFO cultures are tracking their cross-bred progeny? Other races and peoples who posses a positive blood type were considered to be racially impure, as positive blood is thought to be contaminated by contact with the ape evolved strand of human DNA.


The name ‘Vril’, is, according to which version of the story you hear, either, the Atlantean language, which, atypically, was composed of sounds and clicks, and quite unique, similar in form to the communication used by dolphins. The other explanation is that Vril describes a type of esoteric energy. The Vril society itself was founded in the city of Vienna in 1917 by a group of four people, one of whom, a medium, claimed to be channelling information, which included the ‘Magical, violet, black stone’, and the ‘Sphere of Destiny’, directly from extraterrestrials. The source of this ‘Vril’ power was the ‘Black Sun’, which is described as being ‘an invisible beam of infinite light’. The ‘Black Sun’ itself was a secret school of philosophical thought, thousands of years old and allegedly the foundation on which the occult beliefs of the Nazi Third Reich were founded. Leader of the dreaded SS, Heinrich Himmler was said to be an adept of this ancient doctrine.


Such was the strength of belief in the occult and it’s potential power, that Himmler, a former Roman Catholic, ordered the construction of a spiritual Valhalla deep below his SS fortress at Wewelsberg in Westphalia. He purchased this former ruin in 1934 and had it rebuilt over a number of years at a cost of some 13 million marks. It was dedicated to the cult and belief system of the SS, the Teutonic Knights and other mystical /occult doctrines. Below the castle’s elaborate main banqueting hall he ordered the construction of a ‘Hall of the Dead’, supposedly to house urns containing the ashes and crests of his twelve closest ‘disciples’ when they died.

This consisted of a circular chamber with twelve low stone platforms around its walls. In the centre of the room, in a circular depression accessed by three steps, was a form of altar. This alter or dais was the focal point of the room. Another school of thought is, any attempts to invoke whatever dark, mystical powers lay within the ‘Black Sun’ would be carried out here. Twelve initiates would stand, one on each of the stone platforms against the walls facing the central dais. Each one concentrating, summoning up part of the necessary energy and focusing, channelling the power to the celebrant, the high priest, probably Himmler in person. Certain of these ceremonies required human blood sacrifice, which presented no difficulty; the concentration camps and prisons were full of them. A small group of victims was kept at the fortress for this purpose. There is no positive evidence that any dark powers were actually released during these hellish rituals, but, depending on your religious persuasion and how one views the conduct of the war, perhaps they were. One thing is certain, if they were not, it wasn’t for the lack of trying. The emblem of the ‘Black Sun’ was essentially an elaborate mandalla, like a spoked wheel surrounded by runic symbols. It is, even today, forbidden to belong to this order or even display the insignia in Germany.


The information channelled by the Vril society eventually culminated in the construction of the ‘Vril Machine’. This was saucer shaped and allegedly an interdimensional time machine, the first piloted flight was reportedly in 1934, at this point, things become a little unclear. One school of thought says that a crashed UFO was discovered in The Black Forest in 1936 and back engineered. The resulting discoveries were combined with channelled information possessed by the Vril society and combined into the ‘Haunebu project’. An aircraft historian, Henry Stevens, claims that the ‘Haunebu 1’, the first large – 15 meters in diameter – saucer first took to the skies in 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War.

In an alternate version, a scientist, Victor Schauberger, also a Vril Society member, created a number of flying discs between 1938 and 1945 He allegedly worked at Mauthausen concentration camp, using a mixture of technically oriented prisoners and German scientists. In a letter written by Schauberger he gives further information:

“The ‘Flying Saucer’ was flight tested on the 19th of February 1945 near Prague and attained a height of 15.000 metres in 3 minutes and a horizontal speed of 2,200km/ph. It was constructed according to a Mod 11 built at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the first class engineers and stress-analysts assigned to me. It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear, through one of the workers under my direction, a Czech, that further intensive development was underway. From what I understand, the machine was destroyed on the direct orders of General Keitel. That’s the last I heard of it.

Following the end of the war, Schauberger and his son lived in the USA, where he was reported as working on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US government. It is interesting to note that many reported UFO pilots are blond, Aryan types who speak German. The so-called Venusian Saucers, which feature in some of the abduction stories, are very similar in appearance to original German saucer designs.

The director of ‘The Hollow Earth Research Society’ claims that “After the war, the allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy, along with almost a million people vanished to the land beyond the pole“. According to popular myth, Admiral Richard Byrd is reported to have discovered an anomalous, almost sub-tropical land when he overflew the South Pole in 1947. The actual purpose of this flight was not to conduct – as was reported – a geographical survey, but to search for the people of this exodus and ultimately destroy them. The log of this flight reports that “Flugelrads – wingwheels,- were sent to the surface to investigate the first nuclear explosions”.

Following the flight, Byrd reputedly led an expedition consisting of 100.000 armed troops, an aircraft carrier and a battleship to the South Pole. If he achieved anything, then it has not been publicised, by all accounts a came back a chastened man.

The president of the USA and the military ordered the suppression of this information. Byrd himself, on pain of dearth was ordered to forget it. It seems therefore that this is yet another example of an occult/military/government conspiracy of silence.


Apart from distaste at certain racist and eugenic overtones espoused by these societies, I have rather more profound doubts about the reported events. The reports reflect attitudes prevalent at the time, attitudes created by the level of technology and almost art-deco approach to visions of future science. This approach is evident in the Fritz Lang’s classic film ‘Metropolis’, where the majority of people are reduced to the level of machines. A virtual underclass of Wellsian ‘Morlocks’ created to serve a ruling elite. On a practical level, there is little actual hard evidence of to support these claims.

Other than alleged witness testimony and blurred photographs depicting flight tests of these UFO’s, all that can be stated with any degree of confidence is: A) the Thule and Vril societies did exist, B) Highly influential members of the Nazi high command were members of and believers in the esoteric teachings these societies, and C) Himmler was noted as a particularly fastidious man who had no stomach for personal contact with the grisly realities of the death and carnage created by his orders and policies. Therefore it is unlikely that he would have personally have been present at the ritual torture of human sacrifices. Finally, D) presumably, Schauberger’s letter referring to the ‘Flying Saucer’ was written after 1947 because the term was not used prior to this. It was not invented until Kenneth Arnold used it to describe the famous multiple UFO sighting at Mt. Rainier in the USA in 1947.

If these ‘Flugelrads’ did exist, why was there no sign of them in the conflict? The story of the Hollow Earth and underground UFO’s has existed for decades with not a shred of proof offered to support its reality. OK, Admiral Byrd flew over the South Pole, but what did he really see? Has there really been a colossal deliberate cover-up? Are satellite photographs faked to prevent the polar opening being discovered? Frankly, I don’t know. These reports are apocryphal; the evidence is just not there to support them. In many ways, it is similar to belief in God or other divinity. If you believe there is one, then there is and it’s not a point for debate, so it is with the UFO’s of the Third Reich. While the Nazi’s – along with Allies – did have some pretty unusual experimental aircraft, it is unlikely that a device like this ever existed, except perhaps as a project. I would like to be proved wrong, but I believe it unlikely.