5 thoughts on “LINKS

  1. Elizabeth Koloski says:

    Please stop smoking.


  2. Heidi, you seem to have an interest in economics. Here’s my recent short statement:

    “Even most pessimists underestimate the iceberg this country has been steered into, while optimists see a beacon of light.

    We have a mountain of household debt, and the government’s solution to deal with that debt is creating an even bigger mountain of government debt, through massive spending, while households mostly fend for themselves.

    If we had a $5,000 per worker tax cut a year ago (or $750 billion for 150 million workers), high interest rate debt would be paid down, or paid off, increasing monthly income. Banks would be stronger, and demand would clear the market of excess assets and goods quickly, to increase production.

    Fiscal policy should be helping monetary policy smooth-out business cycles by cutting taxes in a contraction and raising taxes in an expansion.”

    Also, you may want to see the article:

    Canada’s top economist Jeff Rubin predicts $225 for a barrel of oil by 2012
    25 June 2009

  3. Chris B says:

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Linda says:

    Require people that are willing to join in a community type group to see 2012 to its’ fullest with health and good will.
    Please contact me as soon as possible.,
    The present is a present.

  5. Laura M. says:

    Love it!!

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