Even More Strange Sounds in Arkansas

It is starting to get ridiculous and it is making me a bit nervous. Tectonic activity? HAARP? Something under the earth? 2012? Anyhow, went to a park in Bryant to get some exercise. The rumbling and noises were louder than I have heard. It lasted a good 3o minutes. Also heard it last time in the park, but decided to record this time. This was taken on November 21st, 2012, in Bryant, Arkansas. It’s about one minute of video.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!


Strange rumbling sound in Arkansas?

I have been recuperating from surgery recently, so I am still in the recovery stage; however, something strange happened to us last night. I am hoping to find others hearing this noise.

JM and I went outside. It was approximately 2:30 am. We heard a low-level rumbling sound. I attempted to record this, but my phone wasn’t good enough to capture the sounds. This went on for awhile; it was at least a half-hour. We went to bed as the rumbling was still occurring. It was NOT a train…I have no idea what this sound was.

I have looked online, and it does appear that people in Louisiana and Mississippi have heard this low-level rumbling. Some hear trumpets, booms, etc. I am in southern Arkansas, for the record.

I have a VERY good audio recorder…a Zoom recorder that picks up low-level noise. I have charged it up and have my good camera charged up, also, for any video. If I hear this sound again, I will attempt to capture it. The Zoom is excellent; we have used it for paranormal research.

Maybe somebody else has heard it? Maybe? We could be going nuts. Just wondering if any other Arkansans are experiencing this. As I said, if I capture the sound, I will post it.

It’s starting to get freaky out there. After hearing the “rumbling”, my ears started ringing and I had difficulty in getting to sleep.

I was feeling off and on rumbles after that munitions explosion in Louisiana, our house shook from that. Nothing like last night, though, as this was more constant.

Stay safe out there, guys.

Why So Many Earthquakes? Maybe The Norse End Of The World Will Beat The Mayans

By Hank Campbell

The End of the World seems to roll around every decade or so.   The last time it got a lot of press was the year 2000 A.D., a millenial event in the Gregorian calendar.   COBOL programmers were the convenient catalyst for all that, since banks would shut down due to legacy software, but the end of the world needs vassals, the more unwitting the better, so it made sense that COBOL folks would take the fall.

Next up is 2012, this time due to one Meso-American calendar, and some speculation has been that the LHC will cause it, unleashing an army of Strangelets led by ancient Mayan overlords.

But then a rash of earthquakes happened more recently, and I postulate that the Mayans are in danger of being beaten out of End of the World honors by … the Norse.   Yet the Norse aren’t  getting much credit yet and I intend to change that.

Ancient astronomy

Astronomy has always been the sweet physical science, where everyone can have a meaningful impact regardless of position or funding.   Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier discovered Neptune “with the point of his pen”  and amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley of Canberra, Australia discovered a huge impact on Jupiter while NASA employees apparently drank coffee and griped about funding.

Good astronomy goes back a lot farther than that.   The Mayans were keen fans of astronomy and darn good at it, since they were able to calculate a winter solstice some 2300 years in the future.   The Norse understood it was well.

First, let’s talk about our planetary motion.   Earth makes three different kinds of motion in space:  The planet rotates around its axis, basically an imaginary pole but you get the idea, and that takes about 24 hours; it revolves around the Sun, which takes a bit over 365 days; and finally precession, which is the gradual turning of the Earth’s axis and takes around 26,000 years.  

What does that mean?   The Earth’s axis essentially traces out a cone and it does so because, as Newton showed us, our planet is an oblate spheroid (it bulges out at the Equator rather than being uniform) and gets torque applied by both the Sun and the Moon.

This ‘precession of the equinoxes’ is attributed to the Greek astronomer Hipparchus around 150 B.C. but both the Norse and the Mayans seem to have known about it, even if they didn’t quite know what to call it.

How so?

There is actual science in the Zodiac

The Zodiac gets a bad rap today because kooks choosing to live their lives by it make people think the kookiness came first but there is a reason it made the universe sane for ancient civilizations.

Because the Earth is essentially ‘wobbling’ due to its irregular shape, even ancient astronomers noticed that the constellations in the Zodiac seemed to be moving (precessing) – to make sense of chaos they decided to break this precession into 12 periods, obviously based on the Zodiac they could see and the Constellation that the sun ‘rose’ in on the first day of Spring got the first honors;  Pisces.  So mankind has been in the Age of Pisces as the planet slowly wobbled around its axis.

But this wobbling takes around 26,000 years and there are 12 constellations in the Zodiac.   Every 2,160 years, they surmised, the Sun will appear to be 1/12th of its way through the Zodiac.   If Hipparchus was 150 B.C. then the Age of Pisces would become the Age of Aquarius(2) in …

… 2010.

Yep, the planet is wobbling, we’re entering a new Age and earthquakes are happening.  Coincidence?   Not if you are reading this article.

We know some people believe that the Mayans predicted the end of the world because one of their calendars, based on precession,  ends on the Winter Solstice in 2012 – and we have to give them credit for being able to even calculate the Winter Solstice in 2012 – but 13 was a magic number to Mayans so it seems more likely that instead of going beyond 13 they would just have started over.

The Norse were a lot more serious.   They blew up stuff when Ages ended.


The Norse were no dummies either.  Millenia ago they knew that strange things were happening on a macro scale.   When the Sun seemed to rise in the constellation at the Equinox positions, it was always the first day of Spring or Fall. When the Sun appeared to rise in the constellation of the Solstice, it was the first day of Summer or Winter.

And they also calculated that these Ages were changing every 2160 years – the Celestial Axis was represented by Yggdrasill, a huge ash tree in Asgard, where the Gods lived.    It was the one thing that never seemed to die, even though everything else would in those transitions between Ages they called Ragnarok.

In Ragnarok, basically everything would be destroyed; by fiery explosions from the ground bringing clouds of death, by earthquake or, if you were really, really cool, by a giant serpent named Jörmungandr.

Except we will all only be mostly dead.   

In Gylfaginning, chapter 52, Gangleri asks, “What will be after heaven and earth and the whole world are burned? All the gods will be dead, together with the Einherjar and the whole of mankind. Didn’t you say earlier that each person will live in some world throughout all ages?”

Indeed we would.   We might not look the same in this new Age.  Instead of blonde, I might be red-headed and have a much larger beard for example.  I might wear gloves.  Hard to say.

How does all that relate to earthquakes?   There has long been this fascinating idea with harmonic convergence, which basically says that planetary alignment will cause earthquakes, volcano eruptions – basically a whole bunch of what has been in the news this year.

Far be it from me to naysay the power of gravity.  Planets are big and we know walking outside every day that Earth is being impacted by both gravity and the tidal force of the moon; gravity simply pulling on us and tidal force trying to ‘stretch’ us and making waves, etc.   As Phil Plait, everyone’s favorite Bad Astronomer puts it, a strong enough gravity “could pull the Earth from its orbit, while a strong enough tide could rip it in half.”  But it isn’t happening because some planets are on the same side of the Sun, which actually happens fairly often.

The last time people were terribly worried about harmonic convergence was the same year everyone was worried about COBOL programmers; 2000.  And we’re still here.  Basically, you shouldn’t get your science from astrologers or psychics.

So back to 2010 versus 2012.   The Norse were as cagey on this one as the Mayans because a lot is left up to interpretation and translation of ancient symbols is an imperfect science.    If, as some scholars claim, the last Age ended 2160 years ago, the Norse will beat out the Mayans for World-Ending honors by killing us all this year – if you like your paranoid conspiracy tales and 2012 is too long to wait, that is pretty good reasoning to party now.

But other scholars claim that the last Ragnarok only occurred 2010 years ago – stating that Asgard on fire heralding in a new ‘Age’ of Gods in the last Ragnarok was the Star of Bethlehem(3), which means that we have another 150 years to wait.

What do you think?  

I think one way or the other, those who predict the End of the World will eventually be right.   After all, if the Norse or Mayans don’t get us, maybe the Sumerians will.


Ragnarök Refresher

When Ragnarök come, winter and cold weather will last for three years, with no summer in between the winter seasons. This was known as fimbul-winter “mighty winter”, snowing from all directions. Throughout the world, great battles would be fought; all taboos would be broken, brothers killing one another, and sons would murder their fathers too, mostly out of greed. No kinship would be sacred. This period would be known as the age of axes, age of swords, age of wolves and age of winds.

The two giant wolves, Skoll will swallow up sun (Sol), while Hati shall devour the moon (Moon or Mani). Stars will fall out of the heaven.

The giant worm or dragon Nidhogg that have been gnawing at one of roots of Yggdrasill (Niflheim). Nidhogg would have succeeded in eating away the root that supported Niflheim.

Loki, who was confined in a cavern and punished for his involvement with Balder’s death, will escape from his imprisonment, and lead the giants, and his monstrous offspring, to destroy the gods and mankind. Fenrirwill escape from his magic binding, while the Midgard Serpent named Jörmungand (Jormungand) will escape from his confinement in the sea.

Frost giants and mountain giants will leave their home in Jötunheim, and sailing toward Plain of Vigrid in a ship called Naglfar; while the fire giants led by Surt will leave their fiery home of Muspelheim. Vigrid would be the field of the final battle. Vigrid is an immense plain, a hundred league in every direction.

The Final Steps to 2012 – The Beginning of the Sixth Night

*Here we go!*

The final Mayan Calendar steps to 2012:
November 8, 2009 – the beginning of the Sixth Night

Before going into the specifics of the upcoming sixth night, November 8, 2009 – November 2, 2010, of the Galactic Wave Movement (or Underworld) I feel I should clarify some of my basic points of departure for understanding the Mayan calendar, since the various ideas that are currently proposed for this vary significantly. There are for instance those that believe that the end date of the Mayan calendar only marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new. On my own part I however think that we are approaching something much more profound than just a point in a cycle that again will be repeated. The only Mayan inscription from ancient times, the Tortuguero monument, which describes the end (http://bit.ly/3Ni2rD) of their calendar says that nine cosmic forces will then manifest. Empirically, there is also overwhelming evidence from modern research that we are approaching a point in time when nine evolutionary levels (so called Underworlds) of the cosmic plan are simultaneously going to be completed. This would imply that we are approaching not another cycle or another shift, but the end to all shifts, which have been driving evolution since the beginning of the universe. Such an end to all shifts could conceivably provide the basis for a harmonious eternal peace on Earth.

What is about to transpire now is in other words not something that has ever happened before in the history of the universe. Maybe this impending change, partially unknown, causes the widespread denial that I feel dominate many people at the current moment. Rather than facing a great change in our socioeconomic relationships (since any change in human consciousness also implies a change in our relationships) many prefer to fantasize about some physical or astronomical event, that purportedly is going to happen on December 21, 2012. In reality the Mayan calendar is however not about something that will happen on a singular date, but a description of a divine plan for the evolution of humankind where quantum shifts between calendrical energies bring about shifts in consciousness. Thus, human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.

In this plan for the evolution of consciousness we are now approaching the sixth night of the Galactic Wave Movement, the eighth of the nine levels, which will begin on November 8, 2009. If my understanding of the Mayan calendar is correct we will in this coming night be witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. What is exciting about this is that I feel that a relatively clear picture of how a new world is going to be born is now finally becoming evident. On the other hand, what is also becoming increasingly clear is that this birth is likely to become very demanding. For this reason it becomes all the more important to understand how some of the difficulties ahead actually serve the delivery of this new world even though it may not always seem that they do so in the moment. If people can gain a realistic understanding of how this new world will be born they may be able to keep a hope for the future, which is based on something more than mere wishful thinking. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns about the Mayan calendar and many that present themselves as experts on this deny the ancient Mayan knowledge that there are nine cosmic forces that are about to manifest, and that it is these, and nothing else, that explains why a new world will be born.

Thus, what will happen in the time ahead cannot be understood from the sixth night of the Galactic Underworld alone. The overlapping of the cycles preparing for the ninth, and highest, level in the cosmic evolution scheme; the Universal Wave Movement (see Figure) with the energy of this sixth night will then also need to be taken into consideration. Because of this overlapping, and the speed-up of time associated especially with the latter Wave Movement, not only do I think that the upcoming period will be unusually intense, but also energetically quite complex.

At the time of this writing (October 31, 2009, 1 Ben) we are towards the end of the sixth day, the period of flowering in the process from seed to mature fruit in the Galactic Wave Movement, which precedes the sixth night. As I predicted in an earlier article it would now to some economists seem that the “global economic recession” (or the worst of it) is already over. There are however certain things currently going on in the world that belies this and are more in line with the prediction I made in an article in May (http://bit.ly/qeisX) of a further economic downturn, especially expressed in a fall in the value of the US dollar, to take place around the time that the sixth night begins (see also: http://bit.ly/2faPHG). While several sources now predict a dollar fall it is important to note that mine was made a relatively long time ago and if it proves to be correct shows that what is happening in the economy is part of a divine plan charted by the Mayan calendar.

My prediction of a further economic downturn was based on the observation that nights, at least in the second part of an evolutionary Wave Movement, usually mean at the very least a slowdown of economic growth. An indication of such an impending downturn at this upcoming night is for instance that there has been a rush for gold, which for the first time passed the magical limit of USD 1000/troy ounce. Moreover, an index of insider trading shows that people knowledgeable about the actual basis for valuing US stock tend to think of this as highly overvalued. Most importantly, increasingly higher voices are now raised in almost all corners of the world for the replacement of the petrodollar system and thus also of the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. These various indices thus do not indicate that the “recession” is over, but if anything that an intensification of the economic decline, especially in the indebted West, is imminent. It seems that investors are escaping assets in the form of paper or digit values, which is exactly what we would expect from this late phase of the Galactic Wave Movement, when a shift in consciousness amounting to a shift from abstract to concrete economic values is taking place. Thus, while many will say that the changes are a result of a conspiracy, for instance against the US, the point to realize is that if that were the case they would not have been predictable from the Mayan calendar.

I believe that what is happening in the world’s economy is something much more profound and fundamental than a temporary recession and is a direct consequence of the particular transformation of consciousness that the Galactic Wave Movement is bringing. As I explain in my new book The Purposeful Universe (http://bit.ly/yvXjH) consciousness is primarily a relationship to the Tree of Life, which exists on many different levels of the cosmos and causes synchronized shifts on these different levels. What this means is that the shifts in consciousness that give new directions to our lives will also directly affect the world and society at large and how we relate to this. A shift in consciousness is hence not something that only happens in our heads, but is simultaneously also expressed in changes in our relationships. Our economic relationships are thus also subject to shifts in consciousness and the evolution of this. We should then expect an even further escape from abstract values as the sixth night begins, a shift that may be expected to especially severely hit the western economies of the United States and the United Kingdom, which remain the financial centers of the world and control much of its banking activities. At the present time these nations, and especially the United States, are so indebted that there really is no need to present an explanation as to why there would be another downturn in its economy. All that is needed for this is something to trigger what is going to happen anyway one way or another. While many things may trigger such a downturn, and the media will place all the emphasis on this trigger, the deeper reasons for a downturn is best understood from the Mayan calendar. From a Mayan calendar perspective the ongoing decline in economic growth reflects a stepwise adaptation to the end of the economic cycles that will be associated with the Mayan end date (or beginning date of a new world if you like).

If the downturn of the economy is part of a process creating the conditions for the birth of a new world a relevant question to ask is how deep it is going to be. Even if it seems clear that the value of paper money, and especially the US dollar, will be hit, it is still somewhat of an open question how far-reaching the consequences of this will be. I think this can only be understood from a study of what might be the nature of the new world to be born. When it comes to understanding this it seems however that there are actually no ancient Mayan sources to consult. The Mayan sources only say that Nine cosmic forces are going to manifest as the calendar comes to an end, but there is no ancient inscription, which talks about what will follow upon this. Because of this dearth of material I suggest that we turn to sources from the large Abrahamic religions such as the Bible or the Quran, which do say something on the matter. If we combine these with our understanding from the Mayan calendar I feel we may gain some idea of what is to come. I believe everything that has been happening in this time plan has been subordinated to the delivery of this new world.

Hence, the Quran says this in Surah 82:17-19: “And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? (It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.” I believe this disappearance of dominance may refer to the Universal Underworld, which brings a consciousness of oneness and transparency to our whole beings and all of our past actions. If we take this seriously it would imply that all chains to people dominating others would need to be broken. The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation 21:4-5 also describes a new world to be born: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” This would seem to imply that all chains to the past would need to be broken for the new world to be born. Taken together it would seem that as pre-requisites for the birth of a new earth we would need to free ourselves from the chains to the past as well as from chains to other people.

To some these changes may look so great that it might even be more comfortable to fantasize that the world would come to an end than to go through all of the necessary changes that would more or less turn our world upside down. Certainly, there is also a tremendous amount of people in power, who do not want to see such a transformation towards equality and harmony coming about. These quotes may however give us a hint about where the economic downturn may be leading us and how deep it will be. Will money for instance completely disappear? I think the answer to this is that money will disappear to the extent that it no longer chains the world to the past. In practice, this probably means that all thinking about profitable investing etc is somewhat beside the point, since the emerging new world is not likely to be a growth economy based on the drive for accumulation of abstract values. More likely, the new world is going to be one based on sharing and care-taking of all members of society as the unity consciousness of the Universal Wav Movement, presumably after much turmoil, eventually is established. The more immediate time period in the sixth night will then be when the practical expressions of this transformation will need to be tested out and implemented. This may from the perspective of the current world seem unthinkable. Yet, there is no such thing as an eternal human nature and our perception of reality, and what we are propelled to create, always varies between the different Wave Movements. The human beings of the Regional, National, Planetary and Galactic Wave Movements are completely different in their approach to life and the universal human being that will be created by the Ninth and Universal Wave Movement will represent the crowning step of the evolution of consciousness. Thus, she is then likely to embody a different perception of the world and different qualities compared to previously. An economy based on sharing is of course fully possible if the unity consciousness carried by the Universal Wave Movement is successfully established. Even if the energy changes will now be happening quickly I should add that it may take some time (in the range of a few years after 2011) until this economy takes its final form.

So how in practice could such a transition come about from a human being, who essentially looks after herself to one that sees the unity of all and shares the fruits of creation? Such a transformation of our experience of life may now seem as impossible as the fall of the Berlin Wall once seemed. But similarly to how the fall of the Berlin Wall ultimately was a reflection of a transcendence of an east-west polarity in human consciousness the new world to be born is designed to result from a transcendence of the inner and outer walls maintained especially by the western mind. Thus, my suspicion is that during the first half of the sixth night the world’s economy will increasingly slow down as the consumption of the US population will no longer be able to keep the industrial engines of the world going. The power of the US in the world would decrease as a result of a dollar fall.* Yet, because of the indirect effects of this downturn, no part of the world can expect to be untouched. In this downturn it will then come a point when it will start to dawn on many people that it will never be possible to resurrect the old growth economy and that there will never be any return to a “business as usual.” At that point very radical socio-economic solutions will need to be explored for people to survive also in a literal physical sense as it becomes obvious that it is the nature of the economic relationships and the chains to the economy of the past that cause the problems. We may for instance ask what will happen if major portions of the population in economically significant countries will not be able to pay their mortgages? Will these people then have to leave their houses in mass so that countless houses owned by banks will sit empty when people are out on the streets? This is the kind of situation that has already appeared in some previously car manufacturing suburbs of Detroit. Hence, this scenario is not hypothetical, but has already to some extent happened on a limited scale.

What likely will happen then is that demands will be raised for a moratorium on debts, so that people will no longer have to pay to the banks to stay in their homes. Maybe this will be preceded on a larger scale by some nations that see it necessary to push for the cancellations of national debts as a means of stabilizing the world. If such a moratorium on debts is instituted it would however be like cancelling the power of money and the chains to the past as it exists now. This would effectively create a path towards a sustainable economy an economy where it is emphasized that the needs of people are met in the present moment (returning to the theme of cutting the chains of the past). This of course would be nothing short of a revolution, and most likely a worldwide such, since the worlds’ economies at the current time are so deeply entangled. Possibly this would spread from the US to much of the rest of the world. Such an enormous transformation of the world’s socio-economic system would then be likely to take place in the time period between July 17, 2010 (the Cosmic Convergence)** and the beginning of the Seventh day of the Galactic Wave Movement (November 3, 2010). Naturally, it would serve to dissolve many of the other systems of dominance that the world has inherited especially from the National, but also the Planetary, Wave Movement. Energetically speaking this time period, July 17- November 3, 2010, is created through the overlap of the pre-Universal Underworld and the Galactic Wave Movement.*** What this revolutionary time period most likely is going to amount to is a corresponding decrease of governmental and national authority (not that of any particular government, but governmental authority as such, something which humanity has inherited from the National Wave Movement and its patriarchal frame of consciousness. Needless to say some would try to take advantage of such a situation). It will seriously come into question what we need governments and national borders for “when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another.” My vision for the time period from the Cosmic Convergence until the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Wave Movement is thus a total overhaul of human civilization. This then would also be a time to make choices of path individually.

Why would this particular time period, July 17, 2010 – November 2, 2010, bring such a revolutionary transformation? Well, there are two earlier time periods that are noteworthy as parallels to this upcoming one. One is AD 1498-1617, the Renaissance, which in a broad sense meant the overturning of the feudal system that saw the Vatican as the ultimate source of worldly power and the beginning of the modern era. The other is 1986-1992, which carried a revolutionary wave of democracy (including the fall of the Berlin Wall) resulting in a world whose hemispheres were no longer separated.

We may also notice that the two corresponding revolutionary time periods gave rise to new expressions of spirituality, in the first case the Reformation and in the second the Harmonic Convergence**** that became somewhat of a starting point for the eclectic New Age movement of our own time. This would indicate that also this time, following the Cosmic Convergence, there will be a new spiritual awakening. Since the Cosmic Convergence would be the first breeze of a unity consciousness this would imply that people would then be divinely inspired to share and recognize the unity of all creation. I believe it will be a spirituality beyond words based on the immediate experience of the divine. Hence, while the Reformation was an awakening emphasizing the written word and the New Age movement originated in esoteric ideas that were sometimes channeled or spoken I believe that the spiritual awakening ahead will not be something that can be formulated in words and will be based on plain knowing.

Chitzen_ItzaI feel it is an open question whether this transformative revolution between July 17 and November 3, 2010 will be peaceful, but the parallel to the time period 1986-1992 indicates that this at least is possible. What seems clear however is that people will be divided as to whether they want to flow with the incoming energies leading towards a new world or if they will resist them and seek to hold on to or go back to the system of the past. It is then no wonder that strong forces will try to present the Mayan calendar as if it is about something that will happen on the date December 21, 2012. (A typical example of this is the upcoming Hollywood movie 2012, a disaster movie, but most New Age gurus have prepared the ground for these nonsense fears by emphasizing this singular date and ignoring that the Mayan calendar is constituted by nine levels of evolution). How people will relate to this change will thus also depend on the understanding people have of the Mayan calendar and the cosmic plan, which at the current time only a very small minority is aware of at least in its true form as a manifestation of nine cosmic forces. People at large may in fact never recognize any conscious warning signals for what is to come. Yet, inasmuch as they understand that the large-scale changes emanate from a divine plan this would mean that a spiritual awakening could take place. If this happens they will not be inclined to look at the changes around them as just meaningless chaotic events as they surely will be presented by the dominating media.

Considering that this is all about the participation in a process of evolution of consciousness there is a great danger in people believing that the Mayan calendar is about a singular date when some event will take place, whether this is made up to be a “pole shift”, “galactic alignment,” “Planet X,” “end of the world” or “shift in consciousness.” This is an incredibly naïve view of an essentially superstitious nature where a new world is believed to simply fall down upon the human beings from the sky without their active and conscious participation in the processes leading up to a state of unity consciousness. In reality, there is overwhelming evidence that the Mayan calendar describes sequential shifts in consciousness, which will begin to be experienced at an even higher frequency after July 17, 2010 and even more markedly so after the beginning of the actual Universal Wave Movement on March 8, 2011. Only at October 28, 2011 will the shifts come to an end and a unity consciousness stabilize that will provide the basis for a millennium of peace. This frequency increase incidentally also explains how such a tremendous overhaul of all systems of dominance could take place in such a short period of time. A recommendation I would like to make, in addition to ethical living and telling the truth, is to learn to flow with the ninth level (http://bit.ly/WWjiG). Stay in the middle of the river with a focus on the manifestation of the new world!

Carl Johan Calleman
Seattle, October 31, 2009 (1 Ben)


Ragnarok and 2012

by Micha F. Lindemans
Ragnarok (“Doom of the Gods”), also called Gotterdammerung, means the end of the cosmos in Norse mythology. It will be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Three such winters will follow each other with no summers in between. Conflicts and feuds will break out, even between families, and all morality will disappear. This is the beginning of the end.

(This description seems to Ode to a nuclear winter or perhaps vat volcanic activity causing black out over an area.)

The wolf Skoll will finally devour the sun, and his brother Hati will eat the moon, plunging the earth [into] darkness. The stars will vanish from the sky. The cock Fjalar will crow to the giants and the golden cock Gullinkambi will crow to the gods. A third cock will raise the dead.

(^—Seems to point to the Earth stopping for a few minutes? I’ve heard this theory bounced around while during the alignment the Earth would actually stop spinning as the crust re-aligns; this would also correlate with the Hopi prophecy that the ‘Earth will rock to and fro’)

The earth will shudder with earthquakes, and every bond and fetter will burst, freeing the terrible wolf Fenrir. The sea will rear up because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury as he makes his way toward the land. With every breath, Jormungand will stain the soil and the sky with his poison. The waves caused by the serpent’s emerging will set free the ship Naglfar, and with the giant Hymir as their commander, the giants will sail towards the battlefield. From the realm of the dead a second ship will set sail, and this ship carries the inhabitants of hell, with Loki as their helmsman. The fire giants, led by the giant Surt, will leave Muspell in the south to join against the gods. Surt, carrying a sword that blazes like the sun itself, will scorch the earth.

(^—-This section either tells me that war will result from the situation especially with the return of Midgard. Now, I never thought that Midgard was a bad spirit and this would correlate with the Mayan prophecy of the return of the Great white snake as Midgard was also white in some descriptions. This descritpion that he comes back angry tells me that perhaps the descendants of the Pre-christian white people will be punished in some way. The return of the Gods, their enemies and the dead are found in many other texts all over the world, including the Bible. I know this may seem out of the ordinary, but what if this preludes the return of extraterrestial visitors or interdimension cross rip during the alignment as some traditions believe that the veil will lift and we see things we would otherwise not see.)

Meanwhile, Heimdall will sound his horn, calling the sons of Odin and the heroes to the battlefield. From all the corners of the world, gods, giants, dwarves, demons and elves will ride towards the huge plain of Vigrid (“battle shaker”) where the last battle will be fought. Odin will engage Fenrir in battle, and Thor will attack Jormungand. Thor will victorious, but the serpent’s poison will gradually kill the god of thunder. Surt will seek out the swordless Freyr, who will quickly succumb to the giant. The one-handed Tyr will fight the monstrous hound Garm and they will kill each other. Loki and Heimdall, age-old enemies, will meet for a final time, and neither will survive their encounter. The fight between Odin and Fenrir will rage for a long time, but finally Fenrir will seize Odin and swallow him. Odin’s son Vidar will at once leap towards the wolf and kill him with his bare hands, ripping the wolf’s jaws apart.

(^—This section confuses me a little bit. It’s a grand battle between to gods and their enemies but it doesn’t mention our involvment at all. This seems to whisper that each of these aspects rather then gods themselves will fight with each other. IE, an epic battle between good and evil, ideoligies colliding with eachother when those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear will be the ones to shed the old in a healthy manner and move on)

Then Surt will fling fire in every direction. The nine worlds will burn, and friends and foes alike will perish. The earth will sink into the sea.

(^—The 9 worlds pertain to the Tree of life Yggdrasil (the Mayans speak of this as well, which provokes me to find other traditions in Asia and in africa to find the two main tree of life folklore from these regions. If we can find these other two the wheel would be complete and we might be able to figure it out which I’ll cover in another post) The Earth sinking into the sea could be this portion of the world falling under it’s own weight much like Atlantis was claimed to do…if this is the case, I’m wondering if this isn’t a description of Atlantis that has already happened. )

After the destruction, a new and idyllic world will arise from the sea and will be filled with abundant supplies. Some of the gods will survive, others will be reborn. Wickedness and misery will no longer exist and gods and men will live happily together. The descendants of Lif and Lifthrasir will inhabit this earth.

In Norse mythology, Líf (Old Norse “life”[1]) and Lífþrasir (Old Norse “the one striving after life”[2] or “thriving remnant”[1]), female and male respectively, are two humans who are foretold to survive the events of Ragnarök by having hidden in Hoddmímis holt, and after the flames have sated, to repopulate the newly risen and fertile world. Líf and Lífthrasir are attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Scholarly theories have been proposed about the underlining meaning and origins of the two.

I’m thinking that this may have already happened in the great flood roughly 4-5k years ago as this would have been the beginning of our current thought process designated by Adam and Eve which then tells me that perhaps the tower of Babel happened first… **teehee** But Adam and Eve are ideas or groups of people as the hebrew word Ad-hem means “Red Earth” and Eve is …well…could be the mother of our current civilization and the eating of the fruit forebodes our current affairs.

Let me explain:

I had been doing some research into the Medicine wheel and it’s involvment with the 2012 prophecies, since these traditions are almost exactly alike in most regards (Mayan-western corner designated by the color Red and earth (as in Red People) and Norse-The northern corner designated by White and Fire(white people)) I thought perhaps there had been African (being the south and black corner designated by water) and an Asian tradition (designated by Yellow and Air in the East). I’d like to find them.

Thats all i’m going to cover right now because I need to get off of here and I need to outline my other post because I think it get’s better but it correlates to this one.

Our entering into the 5th age has already happened a long time ago and the cycle has repeated itself as we are entering into a new fifth age…it’s awesome! :D

I thought most of this up in a dream once…crazy.

Any opinions would be great.

Via 2012 forum…


The Nazi UFO Enigma

*I thought this was an interesting article, from awhile back!*



© Brian Allan 1999

Word Count 2203

Although I have some personal reservations about the validity of certain information contained in this article, on balance, I feel that it is worth writing for the following reasons.

1) Over the years, I have heard and read fragments of information concerning a ‘great secret’ which was allegedly in the possession of Nazi Germany during and prior to the Second World War.

  1. This so called ‘great secret’ related to a crashed UFO discovered in the Black Forest during 1936. The rumours implied that this machine was back-engineered to the extent that, when combined with information channelled by an occult group known as the Vril Society, it was capable of flight
  2. These rumours have been consistent and widespread, which leads me to the conclusion that there may be an element of truth in them.

In order to explain the UFO theory, it is first necessary to know a little of specific occult beliefs prevalent in Europe, especially Germany, in the early part of this century.


In the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, there were a variety of secret /occult societies in Germany, the main ones being, The Bavarian Illuminati, The Freemasons, The Rosicrucians, The Thule Society and The Vril Society. Each of these five societies, although based in secrecy and mysticism, had its role and function. Of these five, two were especially noted for their occult connections, The Vril Society and its purely German offshoot The Thule Society. The chief architect of the Thule Society was Baron Rudolph von Sebottendorff, sometimes referred to as Rudolf Glauer. Sebottendorff / Glauer possessed a wide knowledge of Islamic Mysticism in all its aspects, encompassing the Dervish sects and particularly the cult of Sufism which differs markedly from mainstream Islamic teaching.


The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognised as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’. Interestingly, the major players in the 20th century, the USA and the Russian Federation have ELF – extras low frequency – transmitters sited in this area. These transmitters are supposedly used to communicate with submerged submarines, but worryingly, they broadcast these messages at brain-wave frequencies, around 18 to 20Hz.

Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or ‘alien cultures’, in some versions of this, there was interbreeding. In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, they engaged in war with neighbouring civilisations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process. In common with radiation damage in recent times, the surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise damaged offspring. Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool, a variety of self imposed quarantine. Any ‘damaged’ offspring from this group, were neutered. This early example of eugenics was practised until they were sure that any defective genes had been bred out. The other mutated group eventually died out, whether they were ‘assisted’ in this, is open to debate. This may seem like, and indeed is, a harsh, clinical line to adopt, but being faced with the extinction of their entire race, they had little other option.

The descendants of this seminal ‘Mother race’ were the Celts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonising various northern areas of the planet. Scots, Irish, Basques, Spanish, Scandinavians, Icelanders and the Portuguese, all these peoples are of Celtic origin. These disparate nationalities have one common genetic trait, a large percentage of RH-negative blood types, which, according to the beliefs of the Thule society was a characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates. In recent times, the majority of alien abductees are reportedly from RH negative blood groups, is this a possible indication that UFO cultures are tracking their cross-bred progeny? Other races and peoples who posses a positive blood type were considered to be racially impure, as positive blood is thought to be contaminated by contact with the ape evolved strand of human DNA.


The name ‘Vril’, is, according to which version of the story you hear, either, the Atlantean language, which, atypically, was composed of sounds and clicks, and quite unique, similar in form to the communication used by dolphins. The other explanation is that Vril describes a type of esoteric energy. The Vril society itself was founded in the city of Vienna in 1917 by a group of four people, one of whom, a medium, claimed to be channelling information, which included the ‘Magical, violet, black stone’, and the ‘Sphere of Destiny’, directly from extraterrestrials. The source of this ‘Vril’ power was the ‘Black Sun’, which is described as being ‘an invisible beam of infinite light’. The ‘Black Sun’ itself was a secret school of philosophical thought, thousands of years old and allegedly the foundation on which the occult beliefs of the Nazi Third Reich were founded. Leader of the dreaded SS, Heinrich Himmler was said to be an adept of this ancient doctrine.


Such was the strength of belief in the occult and it’s potential power, that Himmler, a former Roman Catholic, ordered the construction of a spiritual Valhalla deep below his SS fortress at Wewelsberg in Westphalia. He purchased this former ruin in 1934 and had it rebuilt over a number of years at a cost of some 13 million marks. It was dedicated to the cult and belief system of the SS, the Teutonic Knights and other mystical /occult doctrines. Below the castle’s elaborate main banqueting hall he ordered the construction of a ‘Hall of the Dead’, supposedly to house urns containing the ashes and crests of his twelve closest ‘disciples’ when they died.

This consisted of a circular chamber with twelve low stone platforms around its walls. In the centre of the room, in a circular depression accessed by three steps, was a form of altar. This alter or dais was the focal point of the room. Another school of thought is, any attempts to invoke whatever dark, mystical powers lay within the ‘Black Sun’ would be carried out here. Twelve initiates would stand, one on each of the stone platforms against the walls facing the central dais. Each one concentrating, summoning up part of the necessary energy and focusing, channelling the power to the celebrant, the high priest, probably Himmler in person. Certain of these ceremonies required human blood sacrifice, which presented no difficulty; the concentration camps and prisons were full of them. A small group of victims was kept at the fortress for this purpose. There is no positive evidence that any dark powers were actually released during these hellish rituals, but, depending on your religious persuasion and how one views the conduct of the war, perhaps they were. One thing is certain, if they were not, it wasn’t for the lack of trying. The emblem of the ‘Black Sun’ was essentially an elaborate mandalla, like a spoked wheel surrounded by runic symbols. It is, even today, forbidden to belong to this order or even display the insignia in Germany.


The information channelled by the Vril society eventually culminated in the construction of the ‘Vril Machine’. This was saucer shaped and allegedly an interdimensional time machine, the first piloted flight was reportedly in 1934, at this point, things become a little unclear. One school of thought says that a crashed UFO was discovered in The Black Forest in 1936 and back engineered. The resulting discoveries were combined with channelled information possessed by the Vril society and combined into the ‘Haunebu project’. An aircraft historian, Henry Stevens, claims that the ‘Haunebu 1’, the first large – 15 meters in diameter – saucer first took to the skies in 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War.

In an alternate version, a scientist, Victor Schauberger, also a Vril Society member, created a number of flying discs between 1938 and 1945 He allegedly worked at Mauthausen concentration camp, using a mixture of technically oriented prisoners and German scientists. In a letter written by Schauberger he gives further information:

“The ‘Flying Saucer’ was flight tested on the 19th of February 1945 near Prague and attained a height of 15.000 metres in 3 minutes and a horizontal speed of 2,200km/ph. It was constructed according to a Mod 11 built at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the first class engineers and stress-analysts assigned to me. It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear, through one of the workers under my direction, a Czech, that further intensive development was underway. From what I understand, the machine was destroyed on the direct orders of General Keitel. That’s the last I heard of it.

Following the end of the war, Schauberger and his son lived in the USA, where he was reported as working on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US government. It is interesting to note that many reported UFO pilots are blond, Aryan types who speak German. The so-called Venusian Saucers, which feature in some of the abduction stories, are very similar in appearance to original German saucer designs.

The director of ‘The Hollow Earth Research Society’ claims that “After the war, the allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy, along with almost a million people vanished to the land beyond the pole“. According to popular myth, Admiral Richard Byrd is reported to have discovered an anomalous, almost sub-tropical land when he overflew the South Pole in 1947. The actual purpose of this flight was not to conduct – as was reported – a geographical survey, but to search for the people of this exodus and ultimately destroy them. The log of this flight reports that “Flugelrads – wingwheels,- were sent to the surface to investigate the first nuclear explosions”.

Following the flight, Byrd reputedly led an expedition consisting of 100.000 armed troops, an aircraft carrier and a battleship to the South Pole. If he achieved anything, then it has not been publicised, by all accounts a came back a chastened man.

The president of the USA and the military ordered the suppression of this information. Byrd himself, on pain of dearth was ordered to forget it. It seems therefore that this is yet another example of an occult/military/government conspiracy of silence.


Apart from distaste at certain racist and eugenic overtones espoused by these societies, I have rather more profound doubts about the reported events. The reports reflect attitudes prevalent at the time, attitudes created by the level of technology and almost art-deco approach to visions of future science. This approach is evident in the Fritz Lang’s classic film ‘Metropolis’, where the majority of people are reduced to the level of machines. A virtual underclass of Wellsian ‘Morlocks’ created to serve a ruling elite. On a practical level, there is little actual hard evidence of to support these claims.

Other than alleged witness testimony and blurred photographs depicting flight tests of these UFO’s, all that can be stated with any degree of confidence is: A) the Thule and Vril societies did exist, B) Highly influential members of the Nazi high command were members of and believers in the esoteric teachings these societies, and C) Himmler was noted as a particularly fastidious man who had no stomach for personal contact with the grisly realities of the death and carnage created by his orders and policies. Therefore it is unlikely that he would have personally have been present at the ritual torture of human sacrifices. Finally, D) presumably, Schauberger’s letter referring to the ‘Flying Saucer’ was written after 1947 because the term was not used prior to this. It was not invented until Kenneth Arnold used it to describe the famous multiple UFO sighting at Mt. Rainier in the USA in 1947.

If these ‘Flugelrads’ did exist, why was there no sign of them in the conflict? The story of the Hollow Earth and underground UFO’s has existed for decades with not a shred of proof offered to support its reality. OK, Admiral Byrd flew over the South Pole, but what did he really see? Has there really been a colossal deliberate cover-up? Are satellite photographs faked to prevent the polar opening being discovered? Frankly, I don’t know. These reports are apocryphal; the evidence is just not there to support them. In many ways, it is similar to belief in God or other divinity. If you believe there is one, then there is and it’s not a point for debate, so it is with the UFO’s of the Third Reich. While the Nazi’s – along with Allies – did have some pretty unusual experimental aircraft, it is unlikely that a device like this ever existed, except perhaps as a project. I would like to be proved wrong, but I believe it unlikely.


Reasons to be optimistic

Soon, a series of events will unfold that will cause a brief chaotic interlude.

This is NOT as negative as it sounds. Things need to be cleansed…to make way for the new (or old, as the case might be).

If you don’t feel it now, you will.

I assure you. WE WILL WIN. Things are occurring that cannot be ignored any longer.

It is good…the lead-in to 2012, so to speak.

Watch. Observe. Make knowledge your priority…but you MUST observe!

We are learning the purposes. They cannot keep us away!

Meltdown! A solar superstorm could send us back into the dark ages – and one is due in just THREE years

*Okay then. Weird when media picks it up, eh?*

The catastrophe, when it comes, will be beautiful at first. It is a balmy evening in late September 2012. Ever since the sun set, the dimming skies over London have been alive with fire.

Pillars of incandescent green writhe like gigantic serpents across the skies.

Sheets of orange race across the horizon during the most spectacular display of the aurora borealis seen in southern England for 153 years.

And then, 90 seconds later, the lights start to go out. Not the lights in the sky  –  they will dazzle until dawn  –  but the lights on the ground.

Within an hour, large parts of Britain are without power.

By midnight, every mobile network is down and the internet is dying. Television  –  terrestrial and satellite  –  blinks off the air.

Radio is reduced to a burst of static.

By noon the following day, it is clear something terrible has happened and the civilised world has plunged into chaos.

A year later, Britain, most of Europe plus North America is in the grip of the deepest economic catastrophe in history.

By the end of 2013, 100,000 Europeans have died of starvation.

The dead go unburied, the sick untreated.

It will take two decades or more for the first green shoots of recovery to appear  –  recovery from the first solar superstorm in modern history.

This catastrophe is not some academic one-in-a-million chance scenario.

It is a very real threat which, according to a report in the latest issue of New Scientist, remains one of the most potent, yet least recognised, threats to the future of human civilisation.

Moreover, it is something that has happened before  –  not that long ago  –  and indeed has the potential to arrive every 11 years.

So what actually is it?

Solar storms do not normally cause much concern. Swarms of electrically charged subatomic particles from the Sun periodically buffet the Earth and its surroundings, causing health worries for astronauts and the owners of satellites, whose delicate electronics can be fried.

But down on the surface, cocooned under an ocean of air, we rarely notice more than the pretty lights in the sky, created as the electrically charged particles from the Sun sweep into the Earth’s own magnetic field to generate the Northern and Southern Lights.

But every now and then, the Sun is convulsed by a gigantic tempest: 50,000-mile-wide eddies of boiling hydrogen plasma on its surface ejecting a billion-tonne, malevolent blob of crackling-charged gas into space at a million miles an hour.

And, very occasionally, one of these mighty coronal mass ejections, as they are called, smacks into the Earth head-on.

This last happened on the morning of September 1, 1859.

That day, one of Britain’s top astronomers, Richard Carrington, was observing the Sun.

Using a filter, he was able to study the solar surface through his telescope, and he saw something unusual.

A bright flash of light erupted from the Sun’s surface and detached itself from it.

Unbeknown to Carrington, that bright spot was a cloud of charged plasma on its way to Earth.

Just 48 hours later it struck, and the effects were extraordinary.

Brilliant aurorae lit the Earth’s night skies right down to the Tropics  –  their light being so brilliant it was possible to read a newspaper at midnight.

In California, a group of gold miners were roused from their bed hours early, thinking the dawn and a new day’s prospecting had come. It was 2am.

Telegraph operators received severe electric shocks as solar-induced currents surged through the networks. It was as though the Earth had been immersed in a bath of electricity.

Such damage as there was, was easy to repair. In 1859, the world ran mostly on steam and muscle.

Human civilisation did not depend on a gargantuan super-network of electric power and communications.

But it does now. Electric power is modern society’s ‘cornerstone technology’, the technology on which virtually all other infrastructures and services depend.

Daniel Baker, a space weather expert at the University of Colorado, prepared a report for the U.S. National Academy of Sciences last month, and the conclusions make grim reading.

‘Every year, our human technology becomes more vulnerable,’ he says.

A repeat of the 1859 Carrington event today would have far graver consequences than the frying of some telegraph wires.

The problem comes with our dependence on electricity and the way this electricity is generated and transmitted.

A huge solar storm would cause massive power surges, amounting to billions of unwanted watts surging through the grids.

Most critically, the transformers which convert the multi-thousand-volt current carried by the pylons into 240v domestic current would melt  –  thousands of them, in every country.

This would bring the world to its knees. With no electricity, we would not just be in the dark.

We are dependent, to a degree few of us perhaps appreciate, on a functioning grid for our survival. All our water and sewage plants run on electricity.

A couple of days after a solar superstorm, the taps would run dry.

Within a week, we would lose all heat and light as reserves ran out, the supermarket shelves would run empty and the complex supply and distribution networks upon which our society depends would have started to break down.

No telephones, no medicines, no manufacturing, no farming  –  and no food.

Global communications and travel would also collapse  –  a solar superstorm would probably destroy the network of GPS satellites upon which every airline depends.

Of course, the power grid can be rebuilt, new transformers and cables made, new satellites launched  –  but organising this in a world teetering on the brink of collapse would not be easy.

Humanity would recover, but it would take decades. A seemingly innocuous event, one which apparently poses no direct threat to human health at all, would have an effect on our world comparable to that of a small nuclear war.

So could this really happen? And why is 2012 a year to worry about? Well, we know that solar superstorm did happen, back in 1859.

And we know that 20 years ago a much smaller storm knocked out the power grid across much of eastern Canada, leaving nine million people without electricity.

We also know that the Sun’s activity waxes and wanes in 11-year cycles.

Currently, the Sun is very quiet. But a solar maximum  –  a peak of activity  –  is predicted for 2012, and this is when a superstorm could strike, probably around either the spring or autumn equinox, when the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field to the Sun makes us very vulnerable.

The main point is that every solar maximum puts us more in danger as our growing population becomes ever more dependent on electricity.

Ironically, the least-affected parts of the world would probably be the poorest areas.

Those Third World nations that usually suffer most from natural disasters, on account of their poor infrastructure, would adjust most quickly to life without electricity, while richer nations would be paralysed.

So can anything be done to prevent an epic disaster?

A more robust electricity grid would be a start. And we need new satellites to give warning of what is happening on the Sun.

Of course, it may not happen in 2012  –  it may not happen in 2023, the year of the next solar maximum.

But sooner or later, a re-run of the Carrington event is inevitable.

Perhaps it would be wise to start stocking up on some candles.
