Germany’s Robert Koch Institute is Questioning the effectiveness of the HPV vaccines

All around the world concerns are mounting about the effectiveness and the safety of the HPV vaccines. Whilst many of our Governments refuse to listen to public concern and ignore the ever increasing numbers of children who have had adverse reactions to the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, in Germany their concerns are at last being looked at and examined carefully.

The Robert Koch Institute in Germany which makes recommendations on the public funding of vaccines, is reviewing its vaccination programme after 13 experts called for a reassessment of its HPV vaccination programme and an end to “misleading information” about the effectiveness of the jab.

Scotland on Sunday reported a few weeks ago – A spokeswoman for the Robert Koch Institute said its vaccination committee was reviewing the situation, adding: “Because of the public discussion and some new reports and new statements from the 13 professors, the committee will publish a statement within the next few weeks.”

Scotland to, is seriously looking into it’s vaccination policy as regards the vaccine Cervarix due to the concerns of the papers written by the German Scientists as Sandra H Chevalier-Batik reports

“SCOTLAND´S multimillion-pound cervical cancer vaccination programme was thrown into doubt last night after senior public health experts warned it might not be as effective as initially hoped. Government advisers in Germany are reviewing the program there after leading scientists said the jab was failing to live up to expectations on the number of cervical cancer cases it might prevent.

Now critics say Scottish health advisers, who gave the go-ahead for a £64 million immunization program involving thousands of schoolgirls, should review the evidence as well. The HPV vaccine protects against two strains of the human papilloma virus, which are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer. About 100 Scottish women die of the sexually transmitted disease every year.”

In the past few weeks professionals and concerned mothers from the USA, UK and Holland have come together and decided to write to these 13 scientists outlining their concerns. These concerned individuals have each come into contact with the victims of these vaccines and armed with newly revealed evidence they decided to email these scientists direct. They have drawn up papers which they have sent to these scientists backed up with their evidence and statistics showing that their concerns are indeed warranted. These papers were then sent to 700 professionals worldwide.The professionals who received them are from the medical profession, scientists, Governments , Journalists and many more. They are being put up on websites all over the world. Last night Cynthia Janak one of the authors of the USA paper sent an email to the other authors which said:-

“I just received an email from an oncologist and he agreed that the safety has not truly been proven because of the documents we have presented.”

Professionals in general have said the papers were well presented and extremely well written.

This morning this was quoted in an email to one the authors of the UK paper Freda Birrell.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

—Margaret Mead, US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1901 – 1978)

Profitable Harm is one of the many sites that now have a copy of these documents .

To understand how HPV vaccines and other vaccines cause brain damage, listen to the radio programme on Monday 1st June 2009 6-7 pm MST and hear the answer to the question ‘Do Vaccines Cause Brain Damage?’ Tune into KRFC FM 88.9 to listen to the audio streamed programme where Dr Andrew Moulden the leader of the Canadian Action Party will be explaining the subject of Neurological Vaccine Damage to Leslie Botha from Holy Hormones, Honey – The Greatest Story Ever Told who is safe vaccine advocate and researcher and radio producer, Cynthia Janak a Journalist who campaigns for Gardasil and Cervarix victims on her website Only The Truth and and who writes for Renew America and Dr Judi Gurstung

// According to Dr Moulden, micro-vascular strokes from vaccinations cause Autism, ADHD, Sudden Infant Death, (SIDS), Gardasil & Anthrax (Gulf War Syndrome) adverse reactions, specific learning disabilities, seizures and more. To find out about all this and more tune in.

All Governments and anyone daring to proclaim that vaccines are safe should listen to what he says because this man is very very powerful indeed. In a news article just released, called Vaccines used in children causing brain damage he explained how with the use of before and after photographs of children he can prove 100% that children have had brain damage from the MMR.

This evidence was used in the Ben Zeller case. Ben Zeller, says his son, Ben, was a normal 11-month-old when he received the MMR.

Within days, he had a seizure. The seizure was so severe that it left Ben with permanent brain damage.

Mr Zeller had always believed that Ben’s fit was a reaction to the MMR. Ben was a healthy and happy child into everything After the vaccine he was left with severe brain damage.

Zeller was one of the first to prove his case in the Federal Vaccine Court. Last July, the court ruled his son would not have experienced the seizure if it weren’t for the MMR vaccine.

Dr Moulden said “We have thousands of cases and we can show all vaccines are causing the exact same problem,”

The above article quotes :-

“Moulden is spending the next week in South Florida interviewing families like the Zeller’s.

Moulden has gathered more than five thousand images of children’s faces taken before and after the MMR vaccine to help prove his case.The photos highlight children’s eyes turning in and out as well as the corner of their mouth dropping.

“These are classic signs of a stroke and clearly a direct result of vaccines,” Moulden said.

Still, many doctors and Health Departments say shots are not only safe but needed.”

Obviously the Ben Zeller case and Dr Moulden’s brilliant research and factual evidence that vaccines can cause brain damage have not yet reached the UK Government because Dawn Primarolo the UK Health Minister is so convinced or as some say ‘brainwashed’ that vaccines are 100% safe that she is breaking the promises made by the UK Government and via the JCVI is moving towards making vaccines compulsory in UK for all citizens including children. The Child Health Safety website reported the full story .

All in all the evidence that vaccines do cause some children to have severe reactions is mounting and Governments who collude with the drug companies and crooked committees who have members who sit in meetings discussing serious adverse reactions, including cot death and then go into courts as expert witnesses and say mothers have killed their children and adverse reactions to vaccines could not have played a part in their child’s death and other members who have links to drug companies should take note. The public are not thick and through the Internet now have access to the truth.

7 thoughts on “Germany’s Robert Koch Institute is Questioning the effectiveness of the HPV vaccines

  1. Lanie says:

    A lot has been discusses about these vaccines. I hope no children would ever suffer just because of people who wants to make lots of money out of this vaccines. Thanks for sharing. This site might be helpful too.

  2. Thank you for helping facilitate the online discussion concerning HPV-Vaccine efficacy Thank God or Goddess for the technology that facilitates women across the globe to work together, share information, inspire and support each other in this battle to save a generation of girls from an unnecessary and dangerous vaccine. By using social media and viral marketing techniques those of us who question the advisability of playing dice with the genetic future of a generation are able to get information out to other moms. Our goal is to encourage moms and health care providers to educate before you vaccinate. We need all the help we can get, Big Pharma is dropping cash-bombs on State and federal regulators, and predatory advertising. We have the dedication of volunteers. I wake up everyday knowing that in the end we will prevail. The big goal is to protect as many young women as possible until the truth about the HPV vaccine is exposed.
    Your readers might find the following information helpful. I find having a verifiable quote or two handy when someone is referring to you as you an “ANTI-VAX-NUT”. I have always based my opposition in facts.

    Cathy Gulli produced an article for the Canadian Magazine, MACLEANS, called, “Our girls are not guinea pigs” I summarized and updated the article in a resent Blog, Are the Gardasil Girls Guinea Pigs? For some, the answer is still yes. (
    I reviewed Gulli’s article a few weeks ago when researching an HPV-vaccine paper for colleagues in the EU, Canada and Australia. Sadly, seventeen months later. the issues raised in the article still stand unresolved:

    Critics of the fast track deployment of the HPV-vaccine say the real issue is that no one really knows, medically speaking, just how dangerous this vaccine could be. Abby Lippman, an epidemiologist at McGill University aired her concerns about the speed with which Gardasil has been adopted in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. “We’re making guesses that it’s going to last long, that [we’re immunizing] the right age [of girls], and that it’s effective. We don’t have a solid basis for this thought.”

    Concerns that not enough 9 to 15-year-old girls were studied during clinical trials for Gardasil;
    “Approximately 1,200 were enrolled, and according to a June report by the Canadian Women’s Health Network, only 100 of them were age nine, and that limited group was only followed for 18 months. “Clearly, this is a very weak information base on which to construct a policy of mass vaccinations for all girls aged nine to 13, as per the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s recommendations,” the CWHN report summarized.”
    Questions as to long term effectiveness of Gardasil;
    “Given the longest that clinical trial participants who received the vaccine were tracked was for five years. “If we’re talking about vaccinating nine-year-old girls we want protection for 20 or 30 years,” concedes Laura Koutsky, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington who helped Merck design the clinical trials and oversaw them for Gardasil. “Can we infer protection out to that period? We don’t know. But we have evidence that suggests it’s likely.”

    The list of issues Gulli’s raised those many months ago is still pertinent today. The advocates of the Gardasil solution still refer to critics as medical Luddites. That does not alter the fact that we Luddites are still waiting for answers to questions posed over two years ago. We are still asking, “Why have governmental entities but HPV-vaccine on a hurry-up deployment track?”

    According to the Canadian Women’s Health Network, most women who don’t smoke, eat well and have a healthy immune system will clear the virus without any treatment. And the Public Health Agency of Canada has said that more than 80 per cent of HPV infections acquired at an early age were gone within a year and a half. Even better, after a woman has fought off a strain, she has almost no chance of contracting it again.

  3. […] post: Germany's Robert Koch Institute is Questioning the effectiveness … Tags: experts-warned, Healthy, night-after, senior-public […]

  4. Hi there,

    I’m very happy that you are putting all this information here.
    We have now a world wide wave of love and light spreading like wildfire about the super criminal gang that uses the WHO to try to kill millions if not billions.
    We all need eachother now, we all need to open our mouths and shout: No, hell no,

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